Monday, 13 January 2014 03:05 PM
#3112 I'm a pretty attractive guy. I know I am. Its a fact I became well aware of since going to UNT. I don't even know how many girls I've slept with since going here (not because I'm a player, mostly just getting used), not complaining or bragging about this because its still a good time. But I haven't been in a relationship that lasted more then a few weeks in years and I get depressed about that on a regular basis. I cant even tell you the last time I just held somebody's hand while watching a movie or walking around town. I'd trade no sex for a year for just couple of month of casual dating with the same person...I miss romance, it must've died somewhere. Or did I miss the memo that collage nowadays is just about fucking?
Monday, 13 January 2014 02:46 PM
#3111 So I just got news that my grandmother was only given a few weeks to live after battling Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome and Alzheimer's for a while now. Unlike most people my grandparents and I are extremely close. This really isn't a confession, but if you believe in the power of prayer, I'd ask that you please pray for my family and I. Not the best way to start off the new semester...
Monday, 13 January 2014 02:26 PM
#3110 I wish i could play Pokemon without being ridiculed and judged. Just imagine how great it would be to just play with fellow friends who enjoy the same passions with you without being belittled. I know there's a club for that but being able to do it anywhere and at anytime would be awesome.
Monday, 13 January 2014 02:16 PM
#3109 I wish my roommate would realize that I don't want to be her friend. We just have to live together, that's all.
Monday, 13 January 2014 02:04 PM
#3108 A lot of these guys at the rec are so scrumptious looking, it makes me all flustered. Like damn. Keep up the good work, boys.
Monday, 13 January 2014 01:21 PM
#3107 This is my second semester at UNT and I've been with my boyfriend for roughly 6 months and he lives back in my hometown about an hour away, but when I was first here I cheated on him on several occasions with a couple of guys but now we're more serious and I wouldn't think of cheating on him again, I don't even talk or see the guys I was fooling with early last semester. He and I have talked and after this semester he's moving up here and we're going to get an appartment together and I just really hope that the past doesn't come back to haunt me..
Monday, 13 January 2014 01:07 PM
#3106 Ah, the good old first day of class. This was one of those occasions where right from the get go the stereotypical groups prove themselves right and come to light. The token class nerd and class fatty come in and sit together probably to discuss their my little pony collections, the class passive-aggressive douchebags come in and sit right behind you so you can hear them talking shit about everybody they see to feel validated and deny their insecurities, the class 'roid rager comes in being all jacked after lifting and shit, sorority girls that all dress, act, look and talk the same, the loud black girls that never shut the fuck up, and of course the class smartass publicly reveals himself by interrupting the prof to point out a typo in the syllabus or something stupid like that. And then there's me, that guy that never says a word all semester and silently sits back, despises everybody, gets an A in the course, and moves on. High school continues into college no matter how much people deny it, just new faces. This is a senior 4000 level course too. Sad.
Monday, 13 January 2014 12:41 PM
#3105 Not exactly a confession but does anyone know a good professor for MKTG 3650?