Tuesday, 14 January 2014 12:46 AM
#3136 So I was definetly having sex wtih this fine ass man for the first time and as he's lifting my legs over my head, his hand slipped and I kicked him in the face and gave him a nose bleed. FML but he's still willing to go for round 2.
Monday, 13 January 2014 11:08 PM
#3135 So there was this guy, and this guy had an awesome beard. Since I am a horribly awkward person when it comes to attractive men, and oh my gosh this man was (is still I'm sure) very attractive. So for a majority of the semester I would just creepily stare at him when he came into the class room (I sat at the desk right next to the door) and he's flash a smile and nod at me. Since I have a thing for beards his attractiveness was just OVERWHELMING (in a super shallow he-has-biceps-out-to-here sense) so I never had the courage to talk to him, and this was after noticing him on the very first day of class ("wow! Now THAT is a beard.") ANYWAYS. So it wasn't until like the last month of classes when I finally blurted, "hey this is super weird, but I really dig your beard." It so turns out that he didn't think it was so weird that I though his beard was snazzy (or masculine I guess) and so we got to talking and did the whole friends of facebook thing. But then...he found out I was graduating. (this is the sad part) By this time I was crushing on him pretty hard, and it was kinda legitimate because we had talked a little bit and such. One day before class started he stopped at my desk and asked me, point blank, "So after this semester, you're done? You're going to be leaving?" I felt so sad, so upset that I don't think I can put it into words. I guess a similar feeling would be having the rug pulled out from under you. (right when you thought things were going your way)He looked right at me with these brown eyes that made me feel like crap because I was graduating. I should have said something. I regret so much not blurting something crazy and emotional (because crazy and emotional is how I felt/feel...eesh). There was even this HUGE surge of eomtion that was like "BITCH SAY SOMETHING! SAY SOMETHING MEANINGFUL!" and what came out was...."Yeah. I graduate in December." And now he has a girlfriend. It sucks. But I think one of my real issues is that I crushed on him SO HARD for barely knowing him and even now I really like him. It makes me feel seriously creepy and kinda trashy. I mean like even thinking about him in any romantic sense now makes me feel like a bitch because he has a girlfriend. It just makes me feel so scummy and awful. and I am kinda embarrassed of myself for still having a massive crush on him and thinking that maybe he liked me too. I feel so...stupid. Even typing this "confession" makes me feel kinda crummy, but I'm tired of just sitting on these feelings. Maybe I should have listened to my friends and told him how I felt after the fact, but once he got a girlfriend is felt so wrong and so inappropriate. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard if I didn't move so far away from Denton and all the other people I cared about there. Even with that in mind I feel creepy and weird for liking him so this confession ends here.
Monday, 13 January 2014 10:15 PM
#3134 Does UNT have a Textbook Trading Facebook page (Like where people can post if they have or need a book and buy directly from other students)? If not can someone pleeeeeeaaaaassssee create one these books prices are ridiculous, out with the middle man!
Monday, 13 January 2014 09:15 PM
#3133 I'm new to the area and have like, no female friends. I have my boyfriend, but the only two girls I know are super anime freaks and that's all they talk about so.... No. So if you're a left-leaning female who likes long strolls in the park, owns a dog, doesn't mind loud music and cursing, and likes to complain and bitch with a friend, please like or comment here. I'd like to friend-date you.
Monday, 13 January 2014 08:50 PM
#3132 To all the sicko perverts who get off to submitting and reading confessions about statuary rape and rape jokes, just stop!!!!! I know this is college and how important sex is here, but that is no excuse for rape fetishes. Go ahead and write all the sexual fantasies and made-up sex lives you want, I don't care, but when it involves impregnating or getting pregnant from underaged children and teenagers, you cross the line. I don't understand why the admin allows them considering they're child pornography. I've already been reporting the individual stories, but if it continues, I will report the page itself and hopefully get the page shut down.
Monday, 13 January 2014 08:38 PM
#3131 Ever since I was in high school, people always told me that "I'm too nice" "I never stick up for myself" "I never fight anyone" "I'm weak for not engaging in conflict". I almost got into a bar fight last semester and the guy kept calling me names. Instead of looking at him and acknowledging him, I just ignored the entire thing and he walked away eventually. A lot of people asked me why I didn't fight the guy, call him names back or stick up for myself. Here is my reason for the way I am: If I got into a fight with every single idiot that crossed my path, I'd be in jail or in major trouble right now. I know who I am, I'm comfortable with myself and I know what I want in life. Getting into it with morons that you will probably never see again is the dumb and such a waste of time and energy. I think that having self control and walking away from a fight is the best thing anyone can do. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone.
Monday, 13 January 2014 08:35 PM
#3130 I've never had a body image problem till i got to college. I thought i was suppose to hate my body till i got here and magically realize that i should love myself. It's so hard to love yourself when someone is always commenting on something.
Monday, 13 January 2014 07:22 PM
#3129 I'm not working towards education, but sometimes I want to be a teacher because I would teach the way I (and I think a lot of other students) want to learn. I know for a fact that I'd be able to get students who've lost interest in school, interested in it again.