Tuesday, 14 January 2014 06:23 PM
#3144 so, I've been seeing/talking to a guy since before thanksgiving. We've only gone out a couple times since we are both so busy between my school and his current career change. That being said, he's 25 and I'm 18. He also has two children, though he rarely gets to see them. Very few of my friends know about it, and my parents know even less. He has been totally honest with his family about me, even how we met(online), and I feel terrible that it seems like I'm hiding him. But, I've never introduced someone to my parents that they didn't already know, and I fear they wouldn't approve. If we continue to see each other, I know I will have to tell them the truth, and it scares the shit out of me.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 05:42 PM
#3143 In kerr lobby on 1/15 at 5:30 and some little SGA intern comes in and starts complaining. In the middle of it, he mentions something that actually interested me, talking about how a sore lose from last years election for Student Body President is trying to impeach the President and VP. I don't know who the sore loser is, but Zach and Anthony are the bomb. They're always nice and friendly, and definitely have their shit together. fuck that sore loser.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 05:15 PM
#3142 I'm a flamboyant cross-dresser who unapologetically flaunts his eccentricities, interests and other stuff. I regret nothing!
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 04:43 PM
#3141 I have to say, some of these guys on campus make it so obvious when they're checking out a girl. It's adorable how you think we don't notice. Just talk to us, I promise we don't bite...often. ;)
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 03:43 PM
#3140 I am so fucking depressed and I don't know why. If a god does exist, I must've been a defective product. I need to get me some those antidepressant happy pills nothing else is working and I'm desperate at this point and I'm at my last resort
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 03:34 PM
#3139 My boyfriend farted in his sleep the other night and I thought it was hilarious until I realized I've probably done it too. Now I'm paranoid about that shit
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 12:26 PM
#3138 I'm crushing on someone already. I really didn't expect for me to be crushing on anyone so quickly, but I am. I absolutely love spending time with the person. I do not wanna tell the person yet cuz I just met them, and I wanna take it slow and not rush the, lI have a crush on you", after just a couple days. But, I am very excited to see where this goes.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014 12:50 AM
#3137 To this very day, the ghost story episodes on Hey Arnold! still scare the crap outta me! The story of Four-Eyed Jack and the Ghost Bride were pretty scary episodes!