Monday, 26 January 2015 02:49 PM
I'll never understand why a male would want his dick surgically chopped off and given fake tits and butt implants. Is that shit cool nowadays? I understand the whole "being born into the wrong gender blah blah blah", but doing it just because you want to be a woman now and start doing makeup tutorials n shit? I'm going to come off as ignorant because anyone who goes against something you stand for is deemed as ignorant in this society, but I don't give a shiznite.
Monday, 26 January 2015 01:13 PM
I'm thin and about three inches hard. Holla.
Won't lie, I feel super insecure and self-conscious about it and it's one of the main reasons why I'm a 25 year old virgin. To give you an idea of how small, I've never found a condom that wasn't too loose. The only latex that comes close to fitting is the finger of a latex glove, but they aren't very functional. Oh well.
Monday, 26 January 2015 01:09 PM
I tend to act confident and cocky around women. A dick, basically. I'm attractive, well-hung and have a fit body so I always pull it off without ever seeming creepy. If I were fat, or meek, had a small penis, or nerdy or ugly, I would come off as creepy or insecure, but I don't because one main difference between successfully flirting with a girl and making her feel uncomfortable is how attractive you look. As long as you look good and aren't a total sociopath you will bang. Anyway, my technique is to emulate movie character bullies like John Bender and Vincent Gallo because one thing I've learned to love in life is the fact that behaving like you have huge balls will always pull in females, because like it or not, females like huge balls. It's really that simple. But quick bit of advice though: This is NOT a good way to find a girlfriend or long term relationship. It will grant you unlimited hook-ups, however. But one more bit of advice to my fat and nerdy bros out there: if you are not fit and/or attractive and/or you have a small penis, do NOT attempt this. You WILL fail and be seen as a complete asshole. You will not seem charming like me and will come of as the insecure poser that you are if you lack my three traits. Good luck and happy hunting, bros!
Monday, 26 January 2015 12:52 PM
As a schizophrenic, one of the things that freaks me out the most is when I'm listening to a podcast or live broadcast or something with dialogue and it seems very much as though the people in the conversation are narrating something I'm doing in real time. One example is how I'll listen to a podcast and as I'm browsing the internet, it seems like the hosts are commenting (either consciously or "thought in the back of their mind" subconsciously) on what I'm looking at at the time. This happens often, sometimes for several minutes at a time. It's not a hallucination or delusion, but an odd psychedelic experience nonetheless. Since I've never done drugs, I sometimes wonder if maybe these hosts or whoever is speaking have mind-bending acid or shroom trips where they have OBE visions of the moment I'm in at that time. Not because I'm important but maybe it was a random moment they tapped into during a trip that I'm hearing them broadcast echoes of. I think this because of two reasons: I've heard that trips on DMT, Shrooms or Acid are almost like seeing the future or realizing the entire previously unimaginable scope of time and space. Holy shit. Perfect example - I'm listening to the most recent Freakonomics podcast and I swear to god as I'm typing this they are talking about traveling into the future, evolution, time and space. I swear to fucking god, it's happening RIGHT now. It happens frequently, and fucking trips me out every time because its like the universe is sending a message by narrating the moment I'm in. Fucking crazy. Anyway, the second reason why I think the future can be predicted via psychedelic experience is this: I've had dreams of events that happened to me later in life. Some of the dreams from my childhood predicted random events that have happened to me recently. Also, I've had dreams where I've visited real places that I've never seen or heard about. It's only later by happenstance that I see the place I dreamt online or on TV. And it matches up perfectly - it's the same town or location. Freaky.
Monday, 26 January 2015 11:28 AM
I think people that have kids at a very young age are just downright irresponsible. Rarely do they ever stay with their S.O and are almost always financially dependent on their parents. You don't get my respect because you decided to play life on hard mode. Working and taking care of your kid isn't some great feat that you should be rewarded for. It's just another excuse for you guys to act like your time is more valuable than anyone else's. I always have a big laugh when I see a young couple fail and get posses when everyone says "I told you so."
Monday, 26 January 2015 10:29 AM
I would totally hook up with Kylie Jenner if I had the opportunity. Who cares if she's 17, her boyfriend right now is 25. Who cares if she's a part of the Kardashian brand, she's got awhile before her image is ruined. That girl is fine
Monday, 26 January 2015 09:57 AM
I never use airplane mode or turn my phone off when flying
Monday, 26 January 2015 08:22 AM
Whenever we draw nude models in Drawing 2, I sometimes get REALLY hard and it becomes increasingly awkward since we have to stand. But last semester, one of the hotter female models apparently noticed that I had a boner (and also that I am pretty big) so she initiated a conversation with me when I saw her at Crooked Crust outside of class. She made a pass at me and we banged and the remaining semester was horrifyingly intense because there I was in the middle of several classes in which everyone is painting the model I banged.