Wednesday, 28 January 2015 11:32 AM
Hoping my slutty ex gets pregnant :)
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 08:40 AM
Dave and Busters has videogames at the stalls in the boys bathroom where you pee to play, and I want those at UNT I mean I pay a premium price to go here so I want a premium pee experience. Fun Fact:Gateway has 2 ply toilet paper
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 08:30 AM
Why do all girls say they oppose one night stands but will sleep with you the first time you hang with them!?
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 06:23 AM
Sometimes I don't know why I try pushing people away. Maybe because I'm use to it, maybe because I deserve it, maybe because deep down I want to be alone like I use to be. I don't know. I just don't know.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 01:55 AM
There's an annoying fat twat in my English class that blurts cringe worthy outdated memes at least twice every day. I don't mean just Gangnam style or over 9000, I mean Zelda CD-I, this is Sparta, Mudkip and Belgian waffles levels of outdated. This causes the class to instead of groaning or joining me in telling him to shut up, have VERY forced laughter. I wish someone who's not afraid to risk expulsion would just punch his lard ass.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 01:47 AM
I'm an atheist. Debate me, I dare you.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015 11:28 PM
i want to fuck this black chick in my media convergence class so bad, she's that perfect level of curvy, with short hair and a high voice. granted, i don't know her first name, or anything about her really. she might turn out to be a total cunt cake. I'm just saying...OH GOOD LAWD DAT ASS!
Tuesday, 27 January 2015 09:35 PM
To the guy who posted about conceal carrying on campus. (with a CHL) Thank you. Yeah its illegal, but the world is violent. We need to be rational guys. How could you submissively stand by as you fellow classmates and teachers are executed without mercy by some crazed lunatic? If I saved the life of you or your child by killing that bad guy with my "illegal" firearm, would your opinion change?
You only live once, true. Nobody will steal that life from me.
P.S. cocked and locked? 1911's are for noobs ;-P