Monday, 01 December 2014 08:59 PM
#5753 I was high got a boner and started playing with my dick like a joystick and I heard saw and felt it just sort of pop at the base. It didn't really hurt but I'm still scared what the fuck do I do? Do any female med students wanna check it out for me and maybe kiss it to make it feel better?
Monday, 01 December 2014 08:59 PM
#5752 Sometimes being a dick is fun....sorry.
Monday, 01 December 2014 08:24 PM
#5751 I take all of my roommate's things that I like in a fullproof way. I rub my dick on them and then he doesn't even want to touch them anymore. Sometimes I mastrabate on his bed while he's in the room but he forces me to clean the sheets. He threatend to cut my dick off one time LOL I trolled him so hardcore.
Monday, 01 December 2014 08:14 PM
#5756 So I haven't seen that crazy pastor (I think his name is Emilio?) that comes on wednesdays and screams damnation at people on a megaphone for several weeks now. I guess he finally got the message that we don't want his homophobic propaganda at our campus and moved on.
Monday, 01 December 2014 08:10 PM
#5750 Some people say let's put Christ back in CHRISTmas. I, as a devoted christian, say let's put Christ back in CHRISTians and stop being such biggots and hypocritical assholes. Seriously, we can in fact get along with each other if we stopped judging others based on ultimately meaningless things and condemning everyone to Hell on a megaphone.
Monday, 01 December 2014 07:33 PM
#5749 I have a friend who is in the military and he is visiting for christmas break, any nice girls out there who would be open to go out on a date with him? He's a really great guy, he just hasn't been able to meet girls since he's been out of town for so long?
Monday, 01 December 2014 07:07 PM
#5748 I have no sympathy for poor parents. It's their responsibility to provide THE BEST for their children. Not the basics. Not paycheck to paycheck shit living. Worrying about what to eat the next day. That's crap. There are options. "But they've always been farmers/laborers." That's no fucking excuses. If they had been smarter, they could be rich.
My parents were farmers, but because they had basic business knowledge, they grew crops that were in high demand. When they earned enough profit, they moved to a better location. And over time, they built their wealth. It's not that hard to break the poverty cycle.
They also made the wise choice not to have kids they couldn't afford, until they could afford them. "But accidents happen." That's not an excuse. Use a fucking condom. OR DON'T EVEN HAVE SEX. Fucking simple.
And I'm not some rich snob. My parents raised me with this philosophy, so this is coming from people who were poor once. My parents hate charity because they think it's pathetic. They say it's enabling. Get your own fucking money.
But what if they just lost their jobs? It's called marketability, folks. If you have a degree or skill in something people NEED and if you were smart and dedicated enough, you'd be hired in a heartbeat. People who are homeless are usually there because of life choices. They could've worked harder and landed a more stable job. Or at the least be easily hireable. Or not had kids or pets or bad habits like poor budgeting and drugs. Fucking pathetic.
Monday, 01 December 2014 06:49 PM
#5747 I have a very sad life. I like making up random confessions and posting them. At least 90% of them don't get posted so I never run out. These new admins... Good Lord... They post so many and so fast, Jebesus... I can't think of another bullshit confession to submit... Besides this one.