Tuesday, 02 December 2014 02:23 AM
#5780 As an atheist, I hate how whenever someone makes a nice remark that just happens to have religious connotation to it, some snide cunt has to come in and, just because of the religious influence, be an ass. Just take the fucking positivity. There's not much of it left in this doomed world. Let the morons believe in whatever delusional skydaddy they have and don't suck off any positive vibes.
Tuesday, 02 December 2014 12:53 AM
#5762 I think for my next birthday I'm going to hang myself so I can finally stop being lonely. I've tried so hard to branch out and meet others but it always ends up with them avoiding me and not getting invited to anything.
Monday, 01 December 2014 11:39 PM
#5761 I might be the only Christian in the world that supports gay marriage and gay rights. Anyone who tries to pull bible verses from the Old Testament in order to combat gay marriage is foolish, considering it also states no wearing clothing with multiple fabric and eating certain items and encourages blood sacrifice of an animal or your first-born son. The Old Testament isn't what we're supposed to have govern our lives, it's there to set up the journey of Jesus Christ (you know, where CHRISTianity comes from). Jesus dined with sinners and non-sinners because He loved them all. Maybe if we started loving people more instead of trying to be better than them with our noses in the air, a lot more good would come from a nation founded on "Christian principles". Yes, homosexuality is a sin, but so is lying, stealing, cheating in some way, and being prideful. I'm sure every Christian is guilty of one, if not all of those, myself included.
Monday, 01 December 2014 11:32 PM
#5760 Boys will be playas whether he's smooth or he begs,
whatever happens girls, don't spread your legs.
They'll say you look cute and they'll say you look fine,
But after nine months, they'll whine "It ain't mine!"
Then just when they though it was no longer their bother,
Maury comes out and says "You are the father!"
Monday, 01 December 2014 10:07 PM
#5759 I despise hipsters, furries, bronies, otakus, whovians, beliebers, dubstepers, metalheads, religious dolts, neckbeards, redditors, 4chaners, tumbrinas, gamers, fatasses, femenists, liberals, socialists, women, greeks, fast food employees and any other dick sucking ass kissers. Hell I just really hate humans in general, but I hate the ones I listed a bit more than everyone else, even terrorists.
Monday, 01 December 2014 09:18 PM
#5758 This isn't so much a confession but I frequently read these confessions and thought why not post this here. I'm a junior at UNT and I'm working on a personal project on interviewing WWII veterans and people of all races and backgrounds who lived back in those days. I just think its really important and interesting to hear their stories of what they experienced. A few years ago I met several WWII vets and became close friends with a few of them, but they have since passed away. More than anything I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to help me with this as I don't have any good video or even sound equipment to record anything. Guy or girl it doesn't matter, I am a guy by the way. Anyway if you might be interested in helping me let me know and I can tell you more, I made an email for this: wwiiproject2014@yahoo.com
Thanks for reading!
Monday, 01 December 2014 09:07 PM
#5757 I sit next to the girl I really like in class and we talk like causal friends, but I just can't grow the balls to tell her that I like her...well, also she's already in a relationship so I don't want to be a home wrecker. This suck!
Monday, 01 December 2014 09:04 PM
#5754 What's with all these girls talking about how they can't climax?!
Maybe the problem is: The men yall fuck with aren't that into you.
Try being more desirable or something. Guys (at least I dont) think you've fallen from the heavens only because you have a pussy. Maybe if you girls showed some effort, your man would too. Nothing worse than having a girl think she's a sex goddes while she is really just a log...
Just because your high school sweetheart said you where the best does not make it true.
And if that doesn't fix it. Hit me up. I got the solution right here lol.
Yoga pants are not cute. Please put real pants on, they are much more flattering than spandex "sweatpants" with pink or whatever other phrase on the ass.
Just a public service announcement :)