Wednesday, 03 December 2014 01:49 AM
#5776 She's so... beautiful. sweet. kind. caring... almost perfect... And here I am... Just watching her walk away. I'm never going to forgive myself.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 01:00 AM
#5777 I had sex with a black girl. :( I mean, she wasn't fat or anything. She was skinny and cute, but she was... BLACK. You don't understand! Why couldn't she have been white? It would've been awesome. I cringe.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 12:57 AM
#5802 The only thing I miss about home is my dog. If it wasn't for him, I'd never go home.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 12:20 AM
#5778 There's this really cute girl that likes me. I think what's hindering me from asking her out is because I can't see myself with her. I feel like I'm "less" than her and she deserves to be with someone better than me. Am I stupid for this? Should I go ahead and just ask her out anyways?
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 12:16 AM
#5773 She's 16 and goes to DHS, but I like her all the same.
Tuesday, 02 December 2014 11:46 PM
#5801 Sometimes I feel really ashamed for sounding so gay. Even other gay guys criticize me for it sometimes and it makes me hate speaking. :/
Tuesday, 02 December 2014 11:11 PM
#5800 My suitemates were having sex a while ago and I was in the bathroom and I could hear that they were grinding against the bathroom door. I got naked and grind my self against the door as well, and we were separated by only a very thin door so technically you guys just had a threesome and you didn't even know. Maybe next time I'll have the balls to open the door. Only there's only a week left before we get kicked out.
Tuesday, 02 December 2014 10:39 PM
#5799 You are all cancer and should consider becoming an hero.