Wednesday, 03 December 2014 10:21 PM
#5849 I see I'm not the only Adam Connell admirer on the only question is, I wonder if he's actually a cool guy or not..
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 10:20 PM
#5844 Maybe I'm just a square, but Urban Dictionary is the only reason I understand about 1/2 the acronyms used in these confessions.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 10:14 PM
#5848 Dude what's with all these fags on facebook changing their pictures to pokemon? I thought 2nd grade was over.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 10:03 PM
#5830 Madi Johnson if you could stop stalking me that would be great. You're so fucking obvious and its getting annoying.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 09:39 PM
#5816 Hey Joseph R. remember me from October? I'm pregnant. Message me.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 09:16 PM
#5847 I feel like I'm in a relationship by myself...why should I have to argue with you just to get your attention...
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 08:13 PM
#5790 Definitely not the only ab/dl on campus.
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 08:03 PM
#5804 Help.. i ate 52 pizza rolls. will i die in my sleep?