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Thursday, 04 December 2014 08:46 AM

#5837 Lol these trolls are pretty funny, but they don't change the fact that Kevin M. Is still a dad. But I'm still waiting for him to message me.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 07:39 AM

#5832 The last time I hung out with a lesbian chick she started making out with me at the bar when her girlfriend went to the bathroom. What gives?
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 07:08 AM

#5852 It's funny how so many gays are saying they don't want support from Christians, especially the ones who actually care about you being treated fairly. I guess when it comes to voting for things you want to happen, like approving gay marriage, you won't want our voices to be heard in the community. Less voices, less impact. Believe me, whether real or fake Christian, the Christian population is pretty big. Good luck.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 07:00 AM

#5831 I use the same razor for my face and my pubes.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 06:53 AM

#5851 Bruce cafeteria is filled with rats. They sometimes get stuck in traps and die and the whole kitchen stinks. And guess what, you're food comes from there! Just thought you should know. --xoxo gossip squirrel
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 06:48 AM

#5850 It's 2014 and some people still believe what's written in the Bible is actually true. You know, that book that was written in the bronze age by extremely biased and prejudiced men. I'm convinced most young Christians today don't really know what they are believing. They are going by what their parents, churches, and youth group leaders have told them. It's a warped, watered down version of whet the Bible actually says. If these people weren't so afraid of the actual truth and listened they most certainly wouldn't be Christians anymore. I try really hard not to judge, but I've met so many close minded, scared religious kids that's it's hard for me to respect them. What I'm about so isn't me being mean, it's me doing you a favor. God as you believe isn't real. You're not going to heaven when you die. This life is all we have. Each other is all we have. Don't waste your time believing in something that isn't actually there. Prayers don't help people, people's actions help people. If you want to be a good person go out there and try to make the world a better place by influencing it yourself. Stop living a lie simply because it gives you comfort. And for those who say why not just let people believe what they want to I say no. That kind of thinking does more damage then good. Hell, Christians generally don't let people want to believe. They are constantly trying to convert people and shame nonbelievers and say condescending things like "I'll pray for you" when they can't convince you. I just hope or generation turns things around puts religion aside like a grown kids puts toys aside and moves on. You don't need it. The World doesn't need God. It needs a unified humanity.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 02:36 AM

#5823 Everyone should go to the Conference USA page here on fb and like Scrappy's dance video!!! :)
We are already in the top four mascots and our video is pretty bad ass! It'd be much appreciated if you do! :)
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Wednesday, 03 December 2014 11:54 PM

#5813 Yesterday as I walked to class I saw the most beautiful girl! She blushed and gave me a smile as she walked past me. By the time I talked myself into going and talking to her it was too late. I didn't nor will I ever see her again. Even weirder though was that I walked across campus to get some food and I crossed the parking lot in front of the art building, I found a package that had a book and a CD. I opened it and on the cover of the book it said "You want her, don't you?"!!! Crazy coincidence or fate? Hmmmmm...
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