Thursday, 04 December 2014 10:02 PM
#5871 I saw 2 male squirrels trying to mate with a female squirrel during my lunch outside the STUB and like people were watching and from what I was seeing seemed like gangbang rape and people were watch and laughing so I started chucking pebbles at the bastard squirrels. I feel like a did a good deed today and prevented a on campus domestic attack.
Thursday, 04 December 2014 08:49 PM
#5869 Hey y'all Kevin here. It has come to my attention that I've had like 4 confessions posted about me so here's mine: Fuck off bitch. I'm not that kid's father and I'm sure even Maury would agree. And I haven't gone south of the border I'm still here in Denton because I will not pay for something that isn't mine.
Thursday, 04 December 2014 08:47 PM
#5868 I'm so sick of all the illusionary 'racism' bullshit the media is fueling. Do you people realize race is a human construct? Race. Does. Not. Exist. Honestly, I wish everyone was more like me. We are all JUST humans. Point blank.
And I'm drunk.
Thursday, 04 December 2014 07:33 PM
#5870 I went to UNT from 09-12 and transferred to UT Dallas.
UNT is easily a better campus. I often wish I had stayed, but UT was top notch for my major.
Beautiful scenery, great campus life, some of the best professors. Sure, the athletic departments wasn't the best, but I don't care for sports. I loved hearing the band practice, just an overall great atmosphere.
The Greek life was slightly annoying, because as a Freshmen I saw several girls practically kill themselves to get into whatever sorority was hot at the moment but compared to TCU/SMU/Baylor the Frat guys and Sorority girls were angels. I never really had a bad experience with any of them, just not my thing.
The only thing I couldn't stand was the hipsters. Yep. I really had no negative feelings towards the hipsters till I roomed with one. Dear God, what a horrid experience.
-Always had to tell me how shitty my taste in music/clothes/movies were compared to herself
-Took four hours to get ready without any regard to me
-Blasted her music all the time
-Acted as if she was so original when she was a carbon copy of all the other bearded, rimmed glasses wearing pretentious assholes.
Dear God, hating the same things does not make you unique.
Thursday, 04 December 2014 07:21 PM
#5861 @
#5836 if a race war is imminent just remember that zimmerman was latino. there's no way there wouldn't be a race involved.
Thursday, 04 December 2014 07:14 PM
#5860 This Ferguson problem is not a whites vs blacks issue. It's a people vs govt police issue and the media is lying to you. The government is actively and blatantly trying to kill innocent black people including children and we're tearing each other apart. First ebola failed and now this. Everyone has the right to be pissed.
Thursday, 04 December 2014 06:50 PM
#5854 Isn't that amazing? You ask to see a woman's breasts on the street, you get slapped. You give her a free t-shirt and videotape it, and the clothes come right off
Thursday, 04 December 2014 06:48 PM
#5843 You shitposters are the cancer that's killing /unt/