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Thursday, 04 December 2014 11:51 PM

#5876 I hate getting zits on my underboob. But I do enjoy popping them and watching the pus and blood gush out. I also like to smell the pis on my finger. It has a musty yeasty smell. So I guess I'm conflicted
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 11:14 PM

#5865 I'm a sociopath that works at a suicide hotline center. I am more effective at my job than most everyone else because it's all about manipulating someone into not taking their life. It's also good to have the ability to remove yourself emotionally from the situation so you don't get wrapped up in it and get traumatized or angry. Fucking empaths. You weak shit.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 11:12 PM

#5875 Adam Connell makes me wetter than the half pound of roast beef I shove up my hole thinking about him as I masturbate.

Oh, and by the way, I'm a hermaphrodite.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 11:09 PM

#5874 Hi. I don't know you, and you don't know me. But whoever you may be, I don't know what you're going through, but whatever it may be, no matter how small, you're gonna make it through. I'm sure of it. Also, remember. You make every day special just by being you. You add a little more color to this world just by being alive. :)
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 11:07 PM

#5866 I drove 10 hours and went to Ferguson when all the shit was going down and got my Black Friday shopping done a little earlier. No regrets.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 11:01 PM

#5873 I was immature and I did and said some stupid things and now she's gone. It's been two years but I just can't move on. I can't forgive myself. I still see her often because we participate in the same organization and we also happen to have the same major so we share classes sometimes. Every time I see her, it just brings back so many regrets. I hate myself. There's so much I want to say to her. I just want to reach out and tell her I'm sorry and I'm a fuck up. She still talks me sometimes. Nothing long. Just hello and goodbye. And it hurts because I know we can never be the way we were again. And I wish we could be. I drive around sometimes just hating myself and screaming her name and wishing things were different. I HATE MYSELF FUCK FUCKIF FFHIEHGOIHbjhi
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 10:37 PM

#5872 Lately, I feel like I'm in a bubble that's about to pop. I constantly try to distance myself from others because I assume the worst from the beggining and I assume everyone is an asshole that's constantly judging me because I guess I have paranoia to a high degree. Yet, I long for relationships, friendly and romantic but feel like in my state of mind, am incapable of maintaining or even just making these relationships. For the first 3 years of college I desperately looked for friends and miserably failed leaving me lonely the whole time and the depression affected my grades bad enough to make it so that it'll take me 6 years to graduate. My 3rd year though, I did by some miracle manage to find a small group of really close friends that I have kept since then and sort of use them as my bubble. My excuse is that I have them now so I can stop desperately friendsearching and cut myself off from others and not be hurt. I know that's a really bad mentallity to have and I at some level hate myself for it. The reason I feel like this bubble is about to pop is because I finally graduate next semester and may have to move back to my parent's house. If so, I will be unable to see my friends for a long time, and in that time, I fear they will forget me and move on just like my friends from high school did, and it took me 3 years, until I miraculously made new friends, to get over them. TL;DR- I feel like I'm incapable of making friends/relationships due to my extreme pessimism and paranoia about strangers and I fear losing the ones I somehow managed to make here after I move away from Denton soon. Ever since my whole family had a huge fallout, friendship has been the only thing I truly believed in and losing it because of distances is practically my worst nightmare.
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Thursday, 04 December 2014 10:09 PM

#5867 Are you fucking kidding me, UNT? I pay thousands to come to a University that has more construction and problems than amenities. When I come to your shitty library to study (walking 30 minutes to get there BTW), and when I get there, there are NO TABLES WITH PLUGS AVAILABLE OR NONE THAT ARE WORKING. It's 2014, outfit every fucking table with charging ports. No one gives a flying fuck about books (No offense to book users). Give us work spaces where we can do our ONLINE WORK. Thanks, fuckers.
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Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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