Friday, 05 December 2014 07:08 AM
#5884 Women are equal and they deserve respect. Just kidding, they should suck my dick.
Friday, 05 December 2014 07:07 AM
#5883 Professors who make assignments due at 6am need to go fuck themselves.
Friday, 05 December 2014 07:07 AM
#5882 I had sex with this girl recently and now she's going around saying that I took advantage of her and that I raped her. That's absolutely not true. You were into it the whole time definitely consented! I'm really freaked out and I don't know what to do or why she's saying this stuff.
Friday, 05 December 2014 07:03 AM
#5881 I'm the fit who wrote about going to the gym and getting dirty looks from some girls.i like how so many people seemed to think it's something that I'm doing our that I'm unattractive out something. For the record I do fine with women and actually have a girlfriend. I wear a hoodie and have my head phones on the entire time and avoid getting talk to anyone guy or girl and I don't ever stare at girls. Maybe some women are just Paranoid. Sure, some guys are jerks but that's no excuse treat them all as such. And let's face it, I'd you go to the gym wearing your yoga pants and your tight shirt that shows your midsection don't act surprised when guys look at you. What do you expect? If you want to dress like that great, but realize their are consequences to all your choices. The reason I wear a hoodie to the gym is so that I don't give off the appearance of being done d bag in a tiny tank top trying to show off my muscles. Maybe if I did I would get a more positive reaction but I don't because the gym is about getting the work done not trying to show off. So the next time you decide to go to the gym and mean mug every guy in the room, how about you reconsider what you're wearing and how you present yourself. It may be the difference between working out in peace or feeling uncomfortable because "every" guy in the room is a creep who's looking at you.
Friday, 05 December 2014 06:04 AM
#5862 So are there any naked parties around here I need to see some tits
Friday, 05 December 2014 02:26 AM
#5863 I love my ex boyfriend and I miss him so much. I wish I just had the courage to text him and tell him how I feel.
Friday, 05 December 2014 01:19 AM
#5880 I am so glad this semester is over. The worst part was having to deal with this annoying fat fuck in 3 of my classes. He never shut up with his nasaly high pitch voice, he is always making some stupid smartass comment every day and being a rude fuck to others and he always wore a rubber brony bracelet to which made me hate him even more. Good fucking ridence please don't be in any of my classes in spring.
Friday, 05 December 2014 12:25 AM
#5864 There was a short girl with short white hair at insomnia night wearing an oversized shirt. I can't get over how on point you looked ;)