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Wednesday, 16 May 2018 12:14 PM

#21801 I play violent video games to release my built up anger.
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Wednesday, 16 May 2018 11:01 AM

#21800 I’m over my tattoos and piercings (nose, septum, nipples, tragus). I never wanted them, I just got them because everyone else around me was getting them.
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Wednesday, 16 May 2018 10:08 AM

#21799 I doubt all Arabs hate gays. That's a big generalization. But to answer your question, even if you want to leave religion out of it, it's still likely a factor unless you specifically mean secular Arabs. But even then, on what are you basing your assumption of "hate?" Disagreeing with something is not the same as hating the person. Surely your parents have done at least one thing in your life that you didn't approve of. Does it mean you hate them? Of course not. That's ridiculous.

Of course there are people who do indiscriminately hate an entire group of people. To suggest otherwise is ignorant, but let's not lump the "I don't agree or don't care, but you do you" people into the same group as the "I'm going to throw you off a building for being that way" group. Making such generalizations only further divides us, just like saying all white people are racists, all black people are in gangs, or all Muslims are terrorists. We cannot improve as a people through making such wild claims. Saying such things tend to harden people from wanting to work together. We all get one shot in this world and a good first step would be accepting that people are entitled to independent thought. Groupthink is not a road we want to travel. "You don't think like me therefore you hate me" is the type of statement that hinders progress.
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Wednesday, 16 May 2018 09:35 AM

#21797 Why do arabs hate gays? I don't mean just muslims, Arab christians this is for you too.
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Wednesday, 16 May 2018 04:28 AM

#21798 Is there a term for when someone (friend, family member, etc), usually in a covert but intentional way, tries to bait you into having a negative reaction to stupid shit but any attempt to even entertain their comments with a response is also stupid because contextualizing whats going on as an exchange worth taking part in is dumb and pointless? But not reacting at all allows you to be shit on endlessly and is an act of disrespect towards yourself?

Is there a term to describe this scenario?
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Tuesday, 15 May 2018 10:30 PM

#21804 If you go to a place where you know your attempts at crossing a border in order to murder the people on the other side and bring children, you either have no regard for the lives of others, or you are a moron. That's pretty much all there is to it. You do not show up to a place you know will be violent with children. That is insanely irresponsible, as is using them as human shields.
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Tuesday, 15 May 2018 07:57 AM

#21803 The Palestinians in Jordan are not Jordanian. Jordanians are Bedouin. And they hate the Palestinians there.
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Tuesday, 15 May 2018 05:25 AM

#21795 Hey 21791 you need to read stuff before you post it. The snopes article in your confessions is debunking that the footage was faked. Meaning the footage was authentic and Palestinians were in fact celebrating the attack.
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Terps Stats

Total Confessions: 22290
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 69

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