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Monday, 21 May 2018 11:40 AM

#21829 I'm against Trump on almost every single of his agenda but the h1-b visa.... Currently I'm trying to hire talent for my organization but majority of resumes I get are from indians or eastern europeans that claim to be qualified and lie on their resume. Almost every single one I interviewed lied on their resume. They are cluttering up our candidate pipeline. It is not only here but the last 3 or 4 companies I am at had the same exact problem.
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Monday, 21 May 2018 08:56 AM

#21830 I want to find someone that wants me for me and that's it. I don't want someone who thinks they can change me into whatever cookie cutter mold that appeals to them. I did that whole scam once and paid the price for it. Had a girl that I did everything she wanted me to do. And it apparently was never enough. Ended up cheating on me with her ex and leaving me. So I'm never going to be someone's puppet again. I'm either taken as is or not at all. Ladies, gents, if you're this type of person, i hate you and I hope you rot.
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Sunday, 20 May 2018 06:22 PM

#21827 "I can't stand bigots and refuse to associate with anyone who has ever thought differently than myself."
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Sunday, 20 May 2018 04:46 PM

#21826 Hooked up with a guy on tindr and for the first week it was cool, but slowly he would say things that had a microagressive vibe and I felt a cognitive dissonance vibe too. He later admitted that he was bigoted until his early 30's and changed his ways.??

While I thought that was admirable, I'm not feeling them tbh because even though he never said anything that was clearly bigoted, in reality nobody who was so stupid to be hateful (at that age no less) can ever really be anti-bigoted, y'know???

It's exhausting trying relate to someone like that because I literally get sickened by bigotry and they clearly can't be, or they would never have those views/feelings to begin with. Hopefully they'll find someone compatible, but personally I don't have the time or energy to be a dog trainer, that's just not what i want from a potential partner.?? End rant, lol
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Sunday, 20 May 2018 05:19 AM

#21823 I usually tell the truth when a stranger asks me how I'm doing. "Over worked and under paid," or "a little bit gassy."

Yeah it's purely ritual. You don't care how I am doing. I don't want you to. Strangers taking a personal interest in you is weird. We're just drilled from a young age to pretend and act welcoming to new people.
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Saturday, 19 May 2018 06:59 PM

#21824 Dmitry. I understand what "hi how are you" means. It's not commonly used with strangers in most countries. It's essentially meaningless in the US. A better greeting with a stranger would be "good afternoon" or "hello." In Europe if you acted like this people would assume you're on drugs or trying to sell something.
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Saturday, 19 May 2018 03:14 PM

#21822 I generally like America. Its a good place to live but does have its problems. Though one thing I would say is really off is the bizarre ritualization of pleasantries. Americans come off as really fake. Asking strangers "how are you?" as if their answer actually means anything. That's not to say Americans are totally fake, just that concern for other people has kind of lost it meaning here. Every acquaintance is a "friend." People smile and greet strangers with an emphatic but purely ritual "nice to meet you,". If you're actually honest or show any kind of genuine emotion that is not "happy," people generally don't know how to handle it. Americans seem emotionally stunted as a culture. They tend to avoid "real" situations and topics. It's some weird cross between that scene in idiocracy where they're like "welcome to Walmart" and Pleasantville.
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Saturday, 19 May 2018 02:45 PM

#21825 The concept of Karma is what helped me get through being bullied from elementary school to high school. I have witness many people receive their karma from picking on me.
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