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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 08:00 PM

#21843 So did we completely phase out the word "colonist?" Is "colonizer" the word now? Not even in a derogatory sense. I heard someone say "if we ever end colonizers to mars..." and I derped for like 45 seconds.
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 12:21 PM

#21844 Standing for the anthem should be and always has been optional. There's no where on any kind of document that states otherwise. Everyone who cries about not standing for the anthem just makes me laugh. That you get so in your feels about what someone else does that you don't recognize that they have every right to do whatever the fuck they want. If more people could take the American flag out of their ass for a second they'd realize how pathetic they really look. Just like those people who marched after the elections n say trumps not my president. They were dumb. You're dumb. Get over yourself and your sense of Uber nationalism.
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 08:58 AM

#21853 I don't know why you seem to want to ignore the phrase "non-offending." That means the person has not acted on it. It's an attraction, something over which they have no control. The person clearly wants to put his/herself in a position away from children. Should we also tell depressed people to kill themselves? I mean, it's only a matter of time before they harm someone, so it should be nipped in the bud, right? In fact, let's just encourage all of the mentally ill to kill themselves! We wouldn't want them to hurt anyone else. Do you see the issue here?

No, I am not supporting pedophilia, but I will support a person who has the potential to hurt others wanting to actively avoid purting themself in a positon to do so instead of giving in like so many others. Making such scumbag suggestions further dissuades people from seeking help or keeping their problems hidden. All you are doing is undoing the progress we have made the past few years when it comes to trying to de-stigmatize mentally illness.

It is truly disappointing that you have so much hatred in your heart and can only resort to hate-filled words and misrepresentation arguments to come to a conclusion that is not being made.
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 08:00 AM

#21852 majority of the time I feel sorry for black people, their constant complaint about white people. But every time I encounter black people on the metro treating me like shit but then turns around and become very nice to white people. I cant help myself and think "you deserve to be treated like shit by white people if you are fucking racist to other colored people"
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 05:24 AM

#21841 After I’m finished taking a shower or bath, I use a blow dryer to dry myself instead of a towel.
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Wednesday, 23 May 2018 03:52 AM

#21851 To the "non offending paedophile."
I am not going to tell you to kill yourself. I understand that it wouldn't be constructive for the reasons that you are even posting on here. But you need to take this very seriously. If you can't "hide" it, how can you even control it? You should never, NEVER seek employment anywhere that puts you in contact with children. You need therapy. Lots of it. Probably for the rest of your life. And you shouldn't have children of your own.

That is the alternative to killing yourself, because at some point you may seriously harm someone else or do something that lands you in prison. And prison is the best case scenario. Just the impression that you are a paedophile could motivate others to kill you. I'm not joking, this is serious and you need to take serious steps against it. Consider voluntary castration.
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Tuesday, 22 May 2018 07:37 PM

#21840 @#21838 most of these people aren't college students lol, they're either trolls who found this page or people who graduated and can't get past the fact they peaked in college and everything is going downhill now. Also, pedophiles do deserve to die, so why are you trying to defend them ????
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Tuesday, 22 May 2018 07:31 PM

#21839 I was in a car accident with my brother. When the paramedics got there they took their sweet fucking time walking up to us. I'm sure they'd be running if we were white. It's almost as if they'd rather just let us die
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