Friday, 25 May 2018 02:49 PM
#21848 In highschool I sat during the Pledge of Allegiance. Because Of my discontent with the government and the school systems and how they operated. I had some backlash from other students and some faculty members. And aid once tried to shame me into standing for the pledge. One kid nugged my backpack. Another threw a pop tart at me. Which I ate with a smug look on my face. So while I do stand for the national anthem at games for my own personal reason, I completely understand and agree with how the NFL players were taking a knee in protest as to how drastically different Poc are treated in this country. You can't make an omelet with breaking a few eggs, fight the power POC I'm with you.
Friday, 25 May 2018 08:52 AM
#21845 Ok let's get this settled. If you put words into your songs, you should expect them to be sang. By anyone who's singing. If you don't want a specific group to not sing a certain word, don't put it in your song.
Friday, 25 May 2018 02:00 AM
#21849 This is going to be the most honest and hopefully least stupid rant against the social justice movement you'll hear.
It's clear that the goal of far left progressives is to now re-structure society in a way that accommodates the most sensitive personality types of those who live here. Now part of this is also due to an accumulation of more social knowledge backed by statistical data. Black americans are being shot a disproportionate amount compared to white americans (though many white americans are also shot). There is clearly an issue with the good ol boy mentality of several police officers. And laws need to change, like drug laws and gun laws, before citizens of color can feel safe enough to rely on police (which should be your right as a citizen and it's fucked that being able to rely on police is a privilege afforded to mostly upper class white people). There are systemic problems due to this country being structured by old white men with a master's mentality.
But it gets to a point where microagressions are discussed, mansplaining, and you have to watch your body language, and there's a lot of vitriol and prejudice from outspoken social justice activists towards white people, men, cis, etc.
I honestly think we'll look back on stuff like cultural appropriation of dreadlocks, mansplaining, wanting to beat the shit out of a simpsons voice actor for voicing Apu, etc as moments of inappropriate anger from the left that didn't make anything better. And if you made a weird bad sexual advance on a woman or suck at flirting, don't expect to ever be able to pick up the pieces, even if you're reformed. Expect social retribution.
Because not all of us are CAPABLE of being that sensitive. Everyone understands why it's important to respect feelings and treat each other with basic human dignity though, right? Unless someone is being outright bigoted, there's still hope. Unless someone joined any of the many cults of the redcaps, there's no reason to not treat someone who isn't as sensitive as you with kindness, right?
Because as much as the most vocal social justice advocates don't want to admit it, I notice that many of you tend to come from backgrounds of class privilege and other privileges like having a smart and functional family. Having an idyllic life growing up without experiencing much abuse, violence, molestation, etc. And many of you have the gall to shit on/trash someone who might be socially awkward because of these things, and say their life is easy because they happened to be white? Honestly, fuck off with that. I'm not one of these "we gotta look out for the common man" type motherfuckers at all, but there is definitely a lot of classism passing itself off as social justice. There's a lot of demonization of autistic men and the mentally ill going on right now.
Now to be fair, this is more the fault of the fucking redcaps, incels, etc than the new left. They are becoming emboldened and are trying to blend into society better and it's fucking it up for creepy/ugly white people who aren't THAT fucking crazy lol.
So due to this association of social awkwardness with the new wave of redcaps trying to be nerds, people with autism, mental illness, traumatic backgrounds, etc, are being shit on. I see it happen on campus all the time. At the end of the day, shouldn't justice be based on TRUTH instead of your feelings? Can you accept the truth that many of you who are a part of this movement might have some privileges that get you farther than simply being white, male, etc? This isn't downplaying the daily annoyance of bigotry that you must deal with and should have the opportunity to vent about and call out, but there needs to be more forgiveness of past behavior and much more thought that goes into deciding who is bigoted and who isn't. And more honesty that you might benefit from privileges of class and not having to grow up in a toxic environment that often leads to more awkwardness and mental issues. It's far more complex than "that white guy just mansplained to me. They need to fuck off because they are clearly a bigot. And so on. End rant.
Thursday, 24 May 2018 03:11 PM
#21847 You may write off patriotic gestures as "nationalism" but You're fucking wrong. No one would ever mistake you for anything else. As a country we might be fucked up, but we're still a country and by virtue of being born here your part of a group that people literally die to be a part of. Imagine Palestinians who have no country to call their own. Or the non citizens who make up the majority of the population of the gulf countries and who are essentially slaves. Yeah you don't have to take part in any sort of patriotic gesture, but when you mock people for doing so you're just showing yourself for the spoiled should-have-been-aborted "let them eat cake" piece of edge shit you are.
-someone who had to hustle to become a US citizen.