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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 11:22 PM

#21691 It's kinda fucked up that people say dogs will reduce anxiety and depression, but some of my earliest anxiety came from being attacked by a dog...
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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 09:22 PM

#21715 I'm fairly certain I have anxiety and depression although I've never officially been diagnosed...because I'm too anxious and depressed to go talk to someone I've never met just so they can confirm what I already know and put me on a lifetime of meds. I don't believe it's severe enough to where I'm a danger to anyone except maybe myself. Not to say I'd actually go through with ending it all, but I've definitely gone pretty hard some nights with drugs and alcohol with the attitude of either "if I die tonight, so be it" or "I hope I die tonight". I'm sure any doctor would agree I also have a drug and alcohol addiction. I'm able to go to work (for the most part) and pay my bills (for the most part) and I have friends that can't even do that. So that's how I validate myself on a daily basis.

And before anyone says I'm dramatizing, I've been through some shit. Don't want to give those details here because after all, this is anonymous. Also, I'm not talking about me getting drunk every Friday and doing a bump in the bathroom. I spend about $1k a week on alcohol and any drug I can get a hold of.

Not really asking for advice or help because there's really nothing any of you can say that I haven't already heard or don't already know. Just here to say I'm tired. Tired of this life. Looking forward to a better one.
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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 04:58 PM

#21687 How do guys feel about pierced nipples?
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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 04:21 PM

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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 04:04 PM

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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 02:08 PM

#21689 No shit you're Roma? The only Romani I ever knew in MD were all family.
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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 02:08 PM

#21686 I broke up with my boyfriend because he’s been bugging me to try anal. It makes me think that he is gay and in the closet. Why would a “straight” guy want to try anal? Isn’t that what a vagina is for? For dick? Why would a “straight” guy want to put his dick in a hole where my feces come out? So my conclusion is he is gay.
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Tuesday, 01 May 2018 11:52 AM

#21681 Would it make sense to do away with minimum wage but make UBI a thing?
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Terps Stats

Total Confessions: 22290
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 69

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