Sunday, 06 October 2013 11:35 PM
Honestly, before I came to TWU, I thought I had gotten past all my self-loathing and self-confidence problems. I had even stopped caring about people saying things about me. But then the semester started, and it all hit me like a freight train outta Hell. I'm not saying it's the people, though. I don't know what it is. The worst part is probably that, despite it not happening since 9th or 10th grade, I've had serious suicidal thoughts again. The group of friends I have are (mostly) unaware, and I try to keep it that way. But every time I let my mind wander, it seems to always end up there. It's been a good semester, I'm doing well in all my classes, and I have great friends, but all I can think about is that. I need to go to the Counseling Center, but between classes and studying, I don't know how I'd make time. Frankly, I'm just trying to accept the fact that people are naturally shitty to one another. If I could get that through my skull, I'd probably be fine. Anyway, to anyone who read all of this, I really appreciate it. I hope your life is going well. If you ever need a helping hand, just look for that guy on campus that's a bit.. Off. I'll help you any way I can. :)
Sunday, 06 October 2013 10:48 PM
My biggest problem with TWU(or possibly college in general) is the overall lack of maturity. Sure, I'm an ass sometimes. Honestly, I'm almost always an ass. But at least I admit it. People at TWU need to get your shit together. Grow the fuck up and figure out your own issues before you tell somebody they're being immature.
Sunday, 06 October 2013 10:16 PM
Hi you guys :) Hopeful soul here, thank you for your support and words of encouragement just to update on things... before I left school I was passing and failing my classes and it was hard for me to be up and motivated to go to class and pay attention to the lectures yeah ok I did "drop out" but for my own well being it was hard enough staying in a junky nasty ass room when your roommate wanted to go home every week end and ever clean up oh and leave hair in her razor. But after I moved out I've gotten better help through cousling and medicine which are miracles! Once again thank you who ever reads this :) -hopeful soul
Sunday, 06 October 2013 10:09 PM
That one girl in guinn.. ^.^
Sunday, 06 October 2013 09:38 PM
Why do I keep finding weave in the bushes around campus? Ladies keep your hair on right please. I keep mistaking it for a dead squirrel. :-(
Sunday, 06 October 2013 09:37 PM
You wouldn't call yourself a medical student if you're pre-med, right ? Why would you call yourself a nursing major if you're really pre-nursing ... ? I ask people that and they always get offended ... I mean, I'm not in nursing school yet so I always say pre-nursing. Just curious.
Sunday, 06 October 2013 09:35 PM
On October 3, I confessed that I avoid my one friend because I'm falling for her. I'm madly in love with her and though I try to avoid soon as she sees me she runs up and hugs me. I'm trying to just let her go, but then she appears out of nowhere. She doesn't know that I feel this way because she's straight. I know this relationship would be impossible but my brain thinks otherwise. How do I let her go and explain this to her without weirding her out or whatever...?
Sunday, 06 October 2013 09:09 PM
Does somebody know the name of this really cute girl with really pretty eyes and a contagious laugh? She goes to zumba every single tuesday and thursday with this really tall asian girl. I've seen her plenty of times when I'm at the gym and I just want to let her know I think she's really pretty.