Monday, 07 October 2013 01:11 PM
Avionne, Tameka, Lindsey, and Emily seem really cool to hang out with, Bailey seems like she's really sweet & nice to everyone, Kaitlin seems kind of stuck up and doesn't have a personality, Jennifer seems fake but apparently she's like that to everyone...
Monday, 07 October 2013 12:12 PM
One of the squirrels throws acorns at me everyday. He's in one of the trees by the library. Alright Squirrel Girl, get your minions under control. Because I look retarded yelling at trees.
Monday, 07 October 2013 12:03 PM
Some people on campus are just so reckless in their personality. If you're going to be a nursing major, at least act passionate or professional on campus. The least you could do is have a good attitude about your career in the future and not cuss at the patients or be rude to the families (it happens). If you are pursuing a degree just for the money... Turn around and go change your major and pursue something you love. I swear I've come across people who complain and agonize about the simplest daily tasks and who aim to be nursing majors.... Sweetheart your sure aren't going to last a week much less survive night shifts with that attitude. Please go get a reality check and check yourself for the betterment of society. The last thing I want is a rude nurse resentful of her career when I have a loved one in the hospital. Money isn't everything.
Monday, 07 October 2013 11:13 AM
There's a girl in my history 1013 class who is so unbelievably skinny. Like, obviously very underweight. I have an eating disorder and I wonder if she does too. I constantly have to try not to stare at her, but not because I find her ugly or strange or scary. It's because I'm jealous. I wish I actually looked like I'm sick.
Monday, 07 October 2013 10:59 AM
You make me sick. Like something is violently twisting my intestines. I feel like some annoying angsty teen vampire. Stupid boy, stop looking at me like that I have the perfect boyfriend. Please crush. Just crush me so I can go back to equilibrium.
Monday, 07 October 2013 10:39 AM
Attending TWU made me try things I've never tried before. Lol I'm a straight female..going there made me question my sexuality.
Monday, 07 October 2013 09:02 AM
Talia S I love you and I always will...
Monday, 07 October 2013 01:12 AM
Really wish this University would have some men sports