Wednesday, 09 October 2013 02:08 PM
Dr. A can seriously gtfo. Every time she messes up on something or realizes she doesn't know what she's talking about she blames it on "oh man I didn't have my coffee this morning".... I can see right past you. All I can think of every time I sit in her class is .. this is where my tuition is going?
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 10:01 AM
I am a staff member here, and I have to say, as much as I find a lot of the women here attractive, I think acting on it would creep a lot out.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 08:12 AM
Does anyone here at TWU has a younger boyfriend?
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 08:09 AM
I have a feeling that most kidnapped children in the world are currently locked up in a recording studio making Kidz Bop albums.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 05:32 AM
I'm a straight male that wants to make new friends, but it's like whenever I try to spark a conversation with a "Hey, how's it going?" these women just stare at me like I have a dick growing out of my forehead. I just want some Damn friends haha all of mine are an hour away and are usually busy. Also, wtf is so difficult about saying thank you when someone opens a Damn door for you?! It's called being fucking polite! Don't be a pretentious douche bag.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 05:17 AM
(RANT) So, I'm really starting to think that I just give off "best friend" material to every guy I meet and not "girlfriend" material. Not that being the best friend its a bad thing, I'm a pretty awesome best friend if you're looking for someone who will always have your back, supports your ideas, and can move with the flow. those traits can easily be shifted. However, guts just seem to think of me add one of the guts no matter what I do; put on make up, dress up, do my hair...I'm still one of the guys. :/
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 02:14 AM
I strongly dislike this school. Before attending, I was told that this school was filled with all sorts of nice and wonderful teachers. I am wanting change. I wish for more diverse friendships instead of hanging with the cliques.
The school should also consider doing roommate personality tests. Honestly, I went through several roommate agreements before I was granted permission to move.
This is sad - I really need the staff to step up and do their jobs.
Tuesday, 08 October 2013 11:45 PM
I pledged to an NPC sorority and I've never regretted anything more. My "sisters" are fake ass friends who talk shit behind my back.