Friday, 01 November 2013 05:42 PM
Friday, 01 November 2013 09:09 AM
I'm thinking when I come back to change my major to nursing I really don't have much compassion for older people but I do for kids maybe become a pediatric nurse is it really worth it? Four years then debt?
Thursday, 31 October 2013 09:49 PM
Let me just say that there was a lot of twerking at night at tdub ._. When are they ever going to play Spanish music?!
Thursday, 31 October 2013 03:11 PM
Loved the Mad Hatter and Alice walking around campus today! Great costumes!
Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:47 PM
Wow.... that Ron guy took my post about clotheslining someone a little to serious. Kinda sad that he has no sense of humor. Passing judgement on whether or not, or even how often, I hold my gf's hand. Sad indeed.
Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:31 PM
I really don't want to live with my roommate again next year but I'm afraid that if I tell them that, we won't be friends anymore. :X
Thursday, 31 October 2013 09:34 AM
I do agree that some R/A's here abuse their power. Some even have the guts to yell at residents as if they own the place...
I also believe that some residents here complain about the stupidest things. Filing noise complaints like nobody's business. Making me feel that some people here in TWU don't even want us to talk, laugh, flush the toilet, or even breathe without someone complaining.
Thursday, 31 October 2013 02:08 AM
To the pretty asian girl in psy, I tried to make you fall in love with me but it's been months and I do get exhausted, so I'm moving on. May the force be with you ma'am.