Monday, 04 November 2013 02:15 PM
I've been dealing with this for years, but now I cannot take it anymore without shedding tears.
Yes, I am Hispanic. No, I am not a "white Mexican", Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race nor a nationality. There are many countries that speak Spanish besides Mexico.
You do not belittle this "white Mexican" because she speaks proper English and expresses herself accordingly. What did you expect? Ghetto slang? No. Not all of us Hispanics come from the hood.
Stop stereotypes. The day stereotypes cease to exist, peace will reign in our society.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 01:44 PM
I got 99 problems and these ratchets/cholas caused all of them.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 05:59 AM
The ratchets downstairs are blasting K104 out their window. It's 5:30 in the morning. JUST WHY
Sunday, 03 November 2013 01:30 AM
I could fuck my guy friend right now.
Saturday, 02 November 2013 12:44 PM
All I think about is sex, weights, and protein shakes. ;)
Saturday, 02 November 2013 10:07 AM
My girlfriend broke up with me and I feel like time has stopped ever since it happened. It's long distance and she goes to this school. We've been dating for nearly three years and she has been the most amazing woman I have ever met. I took her for granted, and didn't appreciate her the way she needed to be. After you lose something or someone dear to your heart the world gets pulled into perspective (and simultaneously out), it let's you know who or what is truly important to you. I know what's important to me now... but often the most obviously important truths are the ones that ironically come too late, I just hope this one will save my heart.
I would post this to my page but I do not want to make it more real than it already is.
I love you Christy.
Saturday, 02 November 2013 02:31 AM
I wonder how people from TWU view the people from UNT?
Friday, 01 November 2013 07:06 PM
Saw such a cool girl with yellow jeans, blue shirt and red chucks on campus for Halloween. She was really cute and I think she was like an everyday version of Snow White? Really liked it!