Saturday, 19 March 2016 12:48 PM
Is this thing still going?
Sunday, 28 February 2016 12:45 PM
I've been talking to you for like 4 days...and Im pretty sure I've already got a crush on you
Friday, 26 February 2016 06:46 PM
Breast Milk, you make my day!
Friday, 26 February 2016 09:09 AM
Pre spring break keg party March 3rd. Like for invite!
Saturday, 20 February 2016 07:44 PM
If anyone has seen a red Vera Bradley tote at the fit that has a bunch of student teaching things can you please comment on this. I lost is yesterday , 2-19-2016, and it is very important to help me graduate this semester. Thank you!
Friday, 19 February 2016 06:41 PM
i confess, there is a hugeeee spring break pregame party the thursday March3rd before spring break. if you want an invite just press like. already got 150 lets get 500
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 08:15 PM
This sounds raelly great and easy too. When I get a good price on chicken breasts, I throw them in the crockpot and cook them until they are ready to fall apart. Then I bag them up in one or two breast packages and freeze them. Then I can pull out what I need and my meat is already cooked, so then I thaw and throw my dinner together. This recipe will fit right into my frozen meat selections. Thanks for posting and sharing with Food on Friday.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 02:23 PM
let me explain this to you as easy as i fucinkg can, 2 months ago i posted the question how about a bot powered search engine on this video, that was 2 mother fucinkg months ago, are you with me now. over those fucinkg 2 months i learned how to script a bot powered search engine on my own. at the time i posted that question i didn't know how but now i do. so stop trying to act so fucinkg smart when you can't even look at the date for a post, fucinkg troll