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Sunday, 02 November 2014 12:16 PM

#16656 Now I know why Dr. Gibbs class exam average is so low... freshman wait until the night before (cramming) or morning of exam (hardcore cramming) to study for the exam. It would be so much higher if y'all studying in small bits throughout the weeks before the exam.

Curve Killing Classmate
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Sunday, 02 November 2014 10:01 AM

#16655 I confess that I'm sad the guy giving the dildo speech did not have Dildo Girl show up to demonstrate.
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Sunday, 02 November 2014 08:33 AM

#16654 To all of you who come here to say how you can't do this or that, especially those who can't talk to a lady or man they clearly like... Now if you know what you want, then go out and get what you want! You just have to be willing to take the hits and not whining saying you can't do what you wanna do or you ain't what you wanna be because of this or that or anything. Cowards do that and that ain't you!!!

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Sunday, 02 November 2014 07:35 AM

#16647 This is a poem I wrote in 2009. But in light of recent on-campus speeches, I felt it was a good time to bring it back.

Neglected Garden
My pussy is a neglected garden Fertile and prime
it can bear the sweetest harvest
but it sits untilled
drive you fingers into my dank soil WATCH OUT FOR THE GRUBS (they're like muh babies!)
lay your seed in me and we'll grow something beautiful
I want to walk on the back of your dreams
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Saturday, 01 November 2014 10:55 PM

#16648 Nobody understands the meaning of not slamming dorm doors anymore.
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Saturday, 01 November 2014 10:13 PM

#16649 Question to the ladies, when you meet a guy how do you like to be approached?
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Saturday, 01 November 2014 10:00 PM

#16650 I confess that I got used for sexual favors on Halloween and I'm a male. She literally told me everything to do to her. I had no say in this backseat serenade. I'm okay with it, but least give us guys a little action (more than just dry humping) if you want us to go down on you!
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Saturday, 01 November 2014 09:54 PM

#16651 So I may have gotten untied by a very very drunk and stoned man dressed fully in drag at a house party. Humm no regrets! I can breath better now
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Total Confessions: 18032
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