Monday, 03 November 2014 11:56 PM
#16660 I can tell that I am starting to matter less and less to my friends. None of them ever ask me to hang out anymore, and when I ask them, I can sense an overwhelming reaction of apathy and/or lack of reciprocity in interest because they always find a way to dodge giving a direct answer because they don't want to hurt my feelings or something. I want to move but I can't afford it. I want to feel like I matter to someone, and I don't want to be the friend everyone calls just because all of their other friends were busy.
Monday, 03 November 2014 06:17 PM
#16658 Yik Yak is taking all of TTU confessions business.
Monday, 03 November 2014 12:22 PM
#16659 Anybody have Stacy Luann Brown for MATH 3070? She isn't listed on ratemyprofessor and I just want to know what to expect?
Monday, 03 November 2014 08:55 AM
#16661 To the owner of a black California special mustang you had a white Mercedes parked on your front bumper I have pics and a license plate number if you want them. Can't stand careless drivers
Monday, 03 November 2014 06:45 AM
#16662 I confess that I used to be so shy that speaking up in class gave me anxiety and I shook for entire class periods. My friends say I changed when boys started liking me, but the truth is that I became more confident because I realized that I'm as valid of a person as everyone else, which just came with time. I think boys liking me was the product of that instead of the other way around.
Sunday, 02 November 2014 09:02 PM
#16663 I wish that Tech students actually stayed on campus during weekends. Most students are insanely busy during week with school and work and weekends are days when we can have some free time to interact with people. For those of you who often complain about how much this place sucks and how lonely you feel here, try staying here for a couple weekends and putting yourself out there willing to meet new people. See what happens. I get it, you guys miss family and gotta go see them and all but college is the time to try experiencing life on your own and leaving every single weekend kills the purpose of it. Your high school friends are not the whole world. I promise there's more people out there besides the ones in your hometown. This university would be a much better place if you guys just stayed in town and got out of your damn comfort zone to make new friends. Also, if you're reading this and thinking "What if I just don't want to stay here because everybody here sucks?" Well, then you can do us all a favor and keep leaving for the weekends because you are the one who sucks. Cheers!
Sunday, 02 November 2014 05:40 PM
#16664 I'm sad because I have the same birthday as dildo girl.
Sunday, 02 November 2014 05:26 PM
#16657 Slept with this girl for an hour and forty five seconds last night!
Thanks daylight savings!!