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Monday, 23 November 2015 01:55 PM

#17967 I feel the need to rant about the investment of free public college tuition (which is what it is, an investment where you get more back in productivity than you invest as far as the education itself goes). First of all, no country has ever gone broke educating its citizens. That's because of the previously mentioned point that you get more back than you invest making it the smartest investment you can make. Second of all we are far wealthier than any country that educates its citizens for free, and some of those countries educate foreign students for free and they're kicking our ass academically (Germany as the best example) so obviously we can afford it. Lastly, it would be cheaper to just offer free public tuition than our current scholarship system that we are already paying for which is still a miniscule amount compared to what we spend on say the military (most of which goes to private contractors, not our soldiers, so don't even go there and FYI veterans benefits are listed separately from military spending altogether so that has nothing to do with our over inflated military budget). Also, saying free public tuition doesn't mean that all college is free or even that public college is free as tuition is not the only expense of college and private universities can still charge for tuition. Nobody talks about how expensive our decades long war costs, but when we try to educate our citizens all of a sudden we are broke and cant afford it. Then we wonder why we are lagging behind the world in academia
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 05:51 PM

any bi-curious girls out there?
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 03:00 PM

I *understand* and respect the concept of sisterhood in sororities, but I am actually considering unfollowing every single sister in my feed who tries to force some sort of sorority-related pun for another caption on another picture of you and your little/big/niece/cousin/aunt/whatever other relation the two of you are on facebook. -.-
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Friday, 20 November 2015 09:30 PM

I'd just like to point out.. because apparently no one knows when I say something about it to them... $5 unlimited beer Tuesdays at char... You're welcome. Drink up ttu.
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Friday, 20 November 2015 07:43 PM

to whoever stole my green jacket, fuck you. :( now i have no jacket..
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Friday, 20 November 2015 02:38 PM

Looking for a laid back female roommate starting in January! $240 per month in an awesome townhouse. Walking distance to tech. Have to be cool with cats :)
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 05:24 PM

#17966 I'm a non-traditional ttu student. I'm a Junior through the RODP site majoring in health administration full time. I work full time and have 3 children and I'm 26 years old. I have attended classes there before and I miss being part of events. Does anyone know how a non traditional student there can still make friends and try to be part of events there if you don't really feel like your a ttu student.

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Thursday, 19 November 2015 09:49 AM

#17964 I wish it wasn't so difficult to find other femme bi girls. I've been wanting to explore that side of myself for a while, but don't even know how to go about it.
Admin Note: There is an app for that and this may not even help you... this page pretty much sucks
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TNTech Stats

Total Confessions: 18032
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: 0%
Favorited by: 40

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