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Friday, 04 December 2015 12:27 PM

I confess that I get so sick of hearing that Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He's not a Socialist! He's a social democrat!! People, please learn what things are before you call it out. There are real socialists who get very upset.
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Wednesday, 02 December 2015 09:31 PM

Is there a barber in cookeville or Sparta that will do a good job on a black mans hair?
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Wednesday, 02 December 2015 08:38 PM

If the purge were real the parking ticket bitch would be laying in a gutter.
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Wednesday, 02 December 2015 10:40 AM

If the purge were real the parking ticket bitch would be laying in a gutter.
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Tuesday, 01 December 2015 07:05 PM

You have cheated on him multiple times. Your relationship is a poor excuse for a charity project. Break up with him and hit me up while were young. To the guy - I know you've been going through a lot of shit but for the love of God pick yourself up, find someone who won't cheat on you, go back to school and get your effing life back together!!
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Monday, 30 November 2015 03:15 PM

It's been years, and I'm married now. But I still think of you every time I cum.
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 04:26 PM

I've always been fat with bad self image, so I tried combating this by dieting and exercising. I took a full body pic every 4 weeks. I started noticing my waist get smaller. My chest and arms got noticeably bigger. Then I started getting a very defined back and shoulders. My ass started to get smaller and then bigger in a good way. I'm now down 55 lbs and I have visible abs for the first time in my life. I feel great. I laugh when I see dad bod articles. That used to be what I looked like and now it's being praised. I've also noticed skinny girls getting shit a lot lately. I've had family members say, "You used to eat whatever you want, but now you're so restrictive. How are you not miserable?" Sure. I miss things like cake and ice cream and fast food. You know what I don't miss? People feeling uncomfortable sitting next to me on a plane/bus. Sweating easily. Heavier breathing when doing anything. Being winded taking the stairs. Being unsuccessful with women. Lower back problems. Skin contacting skin where it shouldn't. Thinking that my obesity was out of my control. Having a doctor tell me that if I kept up my trend that I would likely get diabetes and die in my forties. So yeah, I carefully count my calories and macros, but I do it so I don't end up like my past self. It's not too late to better yourself.

If you're curious on specifics, I weighed myself first thing every morning after peeing. I would eat a minimum of that many grams of protein and a maximum of that many calories multiplied by 10. So if I weighed 210, I would eat at least 210 g of protein and no more than 2100 calories that day. I would also aim to drink 1 gal of water a day. I did the Starting Strength routine for the entirety of my weight loss.
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 04:53 PM

I know this seems weird, but does anyone have an apartment they won't be needing over Christmas break? I am looking for somewhere to stay over break so I don't have to stay home. I am a clean, responsible female if that makes any difference. Oh and please list prices if this gets posted! Thanks!
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Total Confessions: 18032
Confessions Per Day: 0
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