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Total Confessions: 26357
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Saturday, 29 March 2014 10:10 AM

#9472 I had countless of sex with my gf before and then we broke up. Now she's my ex and we still do countless of love making and after we're done, I always feel guilty but still go back for more. Any advices for me to move on?
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Saturday, 29 March 2014 10:03 AM

#9471 I met this girl named Ying Ying in Boiler Out Spring Break Volunteering and I wish I could bring her out on a date
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Saturday, 29 March 2014 08:35 AM

#9470 It took me a month, but I finally deleted your pictures off my phone. It kills me to think about how stupid I was to believe that things would actually work out for us and that I invested my emotions into you when you didn't really care about me at the end of the day.
I really wish I never met you because even though you treated me like I wasn't important to you, I still would've done anything for you and it really broke my heart in the end.
And although a part of me wants you to feel the way I do, I really hope someday you'll realize what you lost and change your priorities in life, because no one deserves to feel the way you've made me feel.
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Saturday, 29 March 2014 03:32 AM

#9477 Can we stop with the racial arguments/ facts/ assumptions altogether? I'm an Asian guy, and lately I've been feeling like a fucking monkey in a cage. I'm a human, goddammnit.
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Saturday, 29 March 2014 01:09 AM

#9476 Just a pick me up for everyone because I know many of us, including myself, are struggling in some way and need a boost of some sort.

You are not alone. Whatever you are going though, others have gone through as well. People are here to help. Friends, family, Purdue programs.. we are your support system while you are here. Everything will be okay. Whether it is a loss, drugs or alcohol abuse, class grades, heavy stress, or relationship issues, you are NOT alone.

You are beautiful. Male or female - you are beautiful inside and out. Do not think about societal expectations. If you are happy with your body, accept it and embrace it. If you aren't happy with your body, you have the strength to change it! No one is perfect, and you have to believe and accept yourself in order to be happy. People will love you and see you as beautiful by your self confidence and acceptance of yourself.

You need to do what you to make yourself happy. Even if it's against what others want you to do- they are just upset but will still support you in your times of need. If you don't enjoy your major and enjoy a different major better but it will pay less for a full time job, switch majors! You won't be happy with your full time job, and the extra money won't buy that extra happiness. If dating someone of a different culture makes you extremely happy but family doesn't like it? They can suck it up. They should be happy that you are happy and you both are happy together.

If you're writing a confession about some guy or girl you like or how to find a boyfriend or girlfriend - just do it! Ask him or her out, put yourself out there, take a chance. There is nothing you can lose. As long as you are happy with yourself, asking someone out should just make you happier, not tear you down. Some people will say no and that's just how things work. Someone eventually will say yes and it will be worth all of the other no's.

Finally, everything will be okay. It may be tough now, but tomorrow is a new day. And the next day. And the next day. Never give up.
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Saturday, 29 March 2014 12:52 AM

#9469 People are selling and buying cars on Purdue Groups and I don't have money to buy a three scoop ice cream. #FML
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Saturday, 29 March 2014 12:09 AM

#9468 I wish I could go on a date with Justin Jackson ...
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Friday, 28 March 2014 11:59 PM

#9467 I just want to meet an attractive guy that loves to eat pussy and fuck occasionally, without having to be in a serious relationship.
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Purdue Stats

Total Confessions: 26357
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 71

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