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Total Confessions: 14856
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 81

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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:41 PM

Is there anyone that doesn't drink constantly on weekends? Anyone at all? Because if you exist I can't find you.
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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:39 PM

There's this really cute red head in the marching band. She plays the saxophone, and I have a really big crush on her.
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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:24 PM

I'm a girl who went from smoking everyday to being sober everyday since I came here. I'm too awkward to find people who just wanna chill and smoke (maybe drink). I don't care for parties, they sketch me out; I just need a smoking buddy but its so difficult to meet people. Let a lone to find somewhere to buy anything. I miss smoking and it seems like no one invites me to go blaze because I don't seem like the kind of girl who just sucks.
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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:21 PM

Alright look, if your basing your "perfect type" off of physical descriptions and solely look into that. Your gonna have a bad time. There is NO such thing as perfect, we're human its ok not to be. People obviously don't have signs around their necks listing out their personalities, phobias, and pet peeves. Get to know people, chat even if it's small talk ya gotta start somewhere. I understand how anxious it can make you feel (trust me I have plenty of anxiety issues myself, yet I overcame them (still struggle obviously) and now I love communicating with new people, start off small make a goal to talk to 1-3 new people a day) It's cliche, but personality is going to go a lot further then looks. Looks goes about a one night stand, fuck buddies maybe (but hey! if your into that, totally cool no judgment, its college we're all thirsty : P) Personality will develop into relationships and bonds between people. My source? Well let's just say it's experience. If your wondering, I'm a guy soo I'm really trying to not be bias, but that's a difficult thing to achieve. Sorry for the lengthy post, add input if you'd like!
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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:19 PM

I transferred away from NAU but I still read these posts because it's a major ego boost to see how pathetic most of you are. Grow the fuck up and quit complaining about things that are entirely within your control.
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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:18 PM

My boyfriend lives in another state and our anniversary is coming up. I have only 20 bucks in my account for food, clothes, etc.for the month and I am using it all on something for him because I want to be the best girlfriend ever and make him smile.
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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:18 PM

I'm one way away from being filthy rich... All I need is money.
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Sunday, 06 October 2013 06:16 PM

i am a thick white girl who wants to see how a woman can make her feel, these guys here are nothing but talk from what ive experienced.
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NAU Stats

Total Confessions: 14856
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 81

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