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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:45 PM

I know a girl who treats her boyfriend like TRASH. He's so pussy-whipped that he almost comes across as a servant to her. I look at the way I treat my boyfriend and realize that she doesn't even consider him a real human. she always has to know where he is, always tells him he cant hang out with girls, makes him pay her rent, buy her food, wash her clothes...its so bad I want to grab him and throw him in my car and drive him somewhere, ANYWHERE away from her. I wish he would open up his eyes. there are girls like me that treat their boyfriend like their equal, that have a life outside of their relationship that doesn't need to be carefully watched over. Honestly, if my boyfriend told me he was going to an all girls sleep over I wouldn't bat an eye. I trust him to make his own life choices and he's adult enough to know the consequences. why cant everyone treat others the way they wish to be treated themselves? I see guys acting like girls servants every day (not being chivalrous, but simply being walked all over) because they are too blind to see past their own fear of loneliness of being single. wake already are alone.
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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:42 PM

I used to be afraid of commitment. This semester I got to know a guy and I believe I have fallen for him, yet I can't make a move. I used to be able to flirt aimlessly and we would make out, I would get bored and leave. I can't do that anymore... I don't know what this is or how to change it. I don't want to use guys anymore, I want a real relationship...
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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:40 PM

I saw a guy walking into cowden he was tall wearing a black hat boots and wranglers someone who lives there help me out sincerely girl from Wilson
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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:37 PM

I love shorts they are comfy and easy to wear!
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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:21 PM

To the girl who was taking out the trash this morning with her roommate in Cowden and whispered to her that she liked my hair (yeah I heard you) I thought you looked very beautiful.
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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:17 PM

Im sick of all these girls saying, "real men love curves". Curves are one thing, an ocean of cellulite and fat is another thing entirely. If you look like Jabba the Hutt's second cousin, you aint curvy, you're just fat.
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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:12 PM

I'm done being a slut. As much as I enjoy pointless sex, I miss meaningful passionate sex. Now that I've finally fucked the guy I've been wanting forever, I'm good. I think it is now time to buckle down and attempt a long term relationship. Wish me luck, for I have a difficult road ahead of me. #SlutBeGone
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Tuesday, 08 October 2013 12:09 PM

My type of girl is the girl who loves to go out socially, loves the outdoors, loves to workout, and her number 1 is her family. Also she must love steak and cake because Its a sinful pleasure
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NAU Stats

Total Confessions: 14856
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 81

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