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1.  MontanaState  -  26606
2.  Purdue  -  26357
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MontanaState Stats

Total Confessions: 26606
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 83

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Thursday, 15 September 2016 04:14 PM

#25380 To whoever broke the brakes on my bike by the plant science building: you're a fucking dick and I don't understand what pleasure you get out of fucking up some random person's day. You didn't even get to see my reaction so what is the point?
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Wednesday, 14 September 2016 04:09 PM

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Wednesday, 14 September 2016 11:17 AM

#25378 I graduated, moved with my boyfriend across the country and my ex still texts me once in a while. I don't know if it's to "keep in touch" or torture me, but if you still like me, freakin' tell me!! He broke up with me 5 years ago and I've been waiting for him to say it's a mistake that whole time. If you're reading this, it's your move buddy. You know how I feel about you, so either leave me in peace or be my knight in shining armor, because this gray area isn't helping either of us :/
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Wednesday, 14 September 2016 10:27 AM

#25377 The guy in the gym with the white shirt and red hat, why you be skipping leg day? We can tell.
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Tuesday, 13 September 2016 12:30 AM

#25376 Does anyone know if the girl with long blonde hair who works at access fitness has a boy friend? She is absolutely beautiful!
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Monday, 12 September 2016 11:19 PM

#25375 Have you all seen this awesome gaming channel on YouTube started by some guy who goes here? Northman Gaming. Its really good!
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Sunday, 11 September 2016 03:54 PM

#25374 I spent 3 years with the marching band, and really loved it. Going into what would have been my last year with them I tried out for a leadership position. I ended up not getting it, but I felt like the person who did was going to do a great job, and I was excited for the next year. At the end of the summer I was diagnosed with a pretty severe heart condition. It meant that I had to quit the marching band and quit playing my instruments. I was sad about that, but I accepted and got over it. It's been a couple of years since then, and I never really told any of my band friends what happened because I didn't really like talking about it. I see the people I knew in band around town now and then and I smile at them, but they always seem to ignore me like they are mad at me or something. I learned later that they thought that I quit band because I didn't get the position I wanted, and never talked to any of them again because I was mad about it. I feel bad because I know I should have handled that situation differently and that I isolated myself from the band. The marching band is seriously one of the best communities to be a part of on campus, and it's really too bad, because I loved being a part of it. Sorry, guys.
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Thursday, 08 September 2016 11:02 PM

#25373 Seriously, to the woman with the old red and white ford...DO NOT BRUSH YOUR TEETH WHEN DRIVING AND THEN STOPPING IN THE DAM MIDDLE OF 19TH AND MAIN YOU ASSHOLE. It is 10pm at night and you just had to brush while turning left on 19th.
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MontanaState Stats

Total Confessions: 26606
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 83

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