Sunday, 01 May 2016 12:29 PM
#25261 Rape is not limited to the actions between two individuals. Nor is rape a problem that just exists within the Greek system. Bozeman needs to know that Montana State University perpetuates a culture of rape. This culture exists because of the campus’ failure to acknowledge rape. Even though there are resources available for survivors, the real problem is rape prevention, or lack thereof.
As an upperclassman and member of a sorority on campus, I felt secure on Montana State University’s campus until one night when I decided to attend a fraternity sponsored event with my sisters. On this particular evening, I thought it would be safe to participate in the festivities with my sorority sisters and the fraternity’s brothers because I had hung out with them before.
While I understand that there may be a knee-jerk response to blame this entire event on the particular fraternity, that is an unfair spotlight to cast since there are a variety of factors that contributed to the horrible event that would later ensue that night. Yes, sexual assaults happen at fraternities, but they also happen other places. Sexual assaults can happen anywhere by any person who takes it upon themselves to take advantage of another person. The issue of rape expands beyond just the Greek system.
However as a Greek system member,I am disappointed in lack of action our system takes in protecting one another as well as other students at Montana State University. Regardless of whether or not the perpetrator was a fraternity member or fellow party-goer, it is the fraternity to ensure the safety of everyone in their house. That being said, I do not hold the entire house solely responsible for the horrible actions of the perpetrator. My sisters were also there this particular evening and they failed to have my back.
I joined a sorority because I honestly believed in the meaning of sisterhood. I believed in the values of our symphony, in the idea that we held ourselves to high standards and all wanted to carry out the purposes aligned in our oath. Furthermore I would hate to see the Greek system fall apart because of the few members who are in the system for the wrong reasons. I am still a proponent of the Greek system because of the positive impact I believe we are capable of having in our community. However, I think it is our collective responsibility to do a better job standing up together against sexual assault. If we all share similar values, why is so difficult to stand together against the violation of our brothers/sisters’ human rights?
The number of people who have reached out to me since the rape to tell me that they are survivors as well is alarming. But the disturbing part is the absence of reporting, not because the rape didn’t happen or wasn’t forceful, but because of a cultural problem at MSU. Why would anyone speak out against their assailant if they know that that the perpetrator would share details with their friends just for a laugh?
Ironically, Montana State University held the oral arguments for the case against University of Montana for missteps taken in their response to rape. The fact that there are issues on their campus is evidence that at least the students there feel more supported by their peer culture to report sexual assault. I would say that’s far more progressive than the culture we have here on our Bozeman campus. There are resources in this community to help people who have been violated, and to their credit they are trying to help. However, there are people on this campus who still feel the need to make unnecessary assumptions about sexual assault, in turn blaming the victim for the despicable crime committed.
Survivors at MSU need to be able to feel safe enough to report, and the MSU community needs a reality check: Rapists cause rape and survivors should be allowed a voice.
Sunday, 01 May 2016 09:58 AM
#25260 To all the Photography majors: Nikon D7200 or Cannon D70? Which do you think is better and why?
Saturday, 30 April 2016 07:19 PM
#25259 Are tattoos above the elbow generally okay in any workplace?
I figure they'd be easy to hide so no one would have to see it and you could still be "professional."
Friday, 29 April 2016 09:50 AM
#25258 MSU athletes, thank you so much for your time and support of the Special Olympics spring area games. So many of the athletes you showed support for, are some of MSU's biggest fans, and you really are superhuman to many. That being said, I'm so disappointed in few of you that posted digs or jokes about them on social media during and after the event. They might not have seen it, but family friends, and many others did. Let's spend our time celebrating the individuals, not making them the butt of your jokes.
Friday, 29 April 2016 12:23 AM
#25257 Hey 'equal oppurtunity' females! Congratulations, you're about to experience what true equal oppurtunity is in the form of mandatory draft by 2020. You want to be treated like men? We'll treat you like men.
Thursday, 28 April 2016 11:35 PM
#25256 even though we broke up over a year ago and i got a new gf, i still think about you and it pains me how it ended. regardless, i wish you would friend me on fb...
Tuesday, 26 April 2016 06:17 PM
#25255 I always see the same blonde girl at the gym and she is absolutely stunning. She is shorter with a black streak in her hair. I wish I had the balls to talk to her because I would love to take her out to dinner sometime.
Tuesday, 26 April 2016 06:01 PM
#25254 You can get vape juice. I guess it's time to get into vaping and hopefully not have my heart explode.