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Total Confessions: 26606
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Friday, 06 May 2016 01:56 PM

#25285 Can we all agree to to stop posting videos of concerts on snap chat? If I wanted to listen to trash, I'd play Luke Bryan in my car. Thanks.
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Friday, 06 May 2016 01:49 PM

#25284 Can I add my TA on facebook now that I'm done with their class?
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Friday, 06 May 2016 11:46 AM

#25283 As long as we are on the topic of selfish, shovenistic males at the bars, I have a similar post. Last night, like hundreds of others my age, I wanted to celebrate the end of finals week and go downtown with some friends. I am a 21 year old female. As I was walking through The Crystal, shoulder-to-shoulder with the masses of people, a guy grabbed my butt as I was passing him. I had no idea who he was, had never seen him in my life. I turned around and yelled at him for being so disrespectful. At first, he acted as if he couldn't hear me, then attempted at denial before he sheepishly nodded at me. When I turned back around, he and his friends were laughing about the matter. I yelled at him again, but to what avail? What I don't understand is why men, in Bozeman and in general, think they have the right and ability to inappropriately touch, disrespect, and abuse women. It shows that we still have a long way to go in terms of women's rights. This right here is why we need feminism.
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Friday, 06 May 2016 11:19 AM

#25282 Most days I can't find a reason why I deserve to continue living. This world is so overpopulated, why should somebody like me get to keep wasting air? What's the point?
I don't think that I am a bad person but I get picked on by people who don't even know me. People who say they love me always leave me. I'm scared to even walk into a crowded room yet I crave being around people. I feel so isolated from the rest of the world and can't imagine ever truly being wanted or of use to society. Why does somebody like that deserve to be here?
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Friday, 06 May 2016 11:05 AM

#25281 If I was a Pokemon, I would be Snorelax.
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Friday, 06 May 2016 09:31 AM

#25280 So you will message me if I am sick in the hospital? But when I get out you block my number. I just don't get it why am I suddenly a poison to you?
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Friday, 06 May 2016 05:47 AM

#25279 My boyfriend cheated on me for over a year while I was gone for military training but he wants to keep trying and to move past it, i leave again next month. Any advice?
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Thursday, 05 May 2016 11:35 PM

#25277 This is to the guy at the Pour House tonight. I called you out on punching your girlfriend in the arm in the hallway at the Pour House tonight. I could clearly see her cringe from it and your response was "Dude, its fine, it’s my girlfriend" as you walked away to get pizza. I went to check on your girlfriend who was already being comforted by one of her friends, I was told she was fine but she was on the verge of crying already. When I couldn’t find you in the hallway or outside, I headed back to the Pour House with my friends. To my surprise you were standing next to her and she was clearly still upset about it. I asked you to leave or I would call the cops.

This is where it gets disturbing, your response was “You have no idea what it takes to be in a relationship for 3 years, I’ve done exactly what you’re doing now defending a girl.” You “supposedly” have defended women in the past and yet have such little respect for your own girlfriend that you hit her. So what if this happened to your sister, mother, cousin? Then it’d be okay as long as they were trying to be in a relationship?? I applaud your girlfriends friend for trying to diffuse the tension before a fight erupted, saying you knew both of them and it was fine. But by those words you are justifying the act itself. NO women should be hit for any reason, period, end of story. You need to convince your friend to cut him out of her life before something even worse happens.

Your girlfriend convinced you to leave before things escalated as the bouncers were on their way out. Once they heard what happened they were ready to track you down, but you had slithered away like the slimy, piece of gutter trash, you obviously are. Being that you seemed like an MSU student, I truly hope this comes across your screen and you have trouble living with the person you have become. You assaulted your girlfriend, called her bitch while walking away, and tried to justify it by saying that’s what it takes to be in a relationship.

This last note is directed to the girlfriend. I am truly sorry this happened to you, you deserve better, you deserve respect, and you deserve a hell of a lot more than your current boyfriend. Lean on your friends for support and get help if that’s what it takes to get away from him. Please contact the Voice Center on campus for help. They are there 24 hours a day, and are not mandatory reporters like the campus is. Their number is (406) 994-7069.

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MontanaState Stats

Total Confessions: 26606
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 83

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