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1.  MontanaState  -  26606
2.  Purdue  -  26357
3.  Terps  -  22290
4.  UWEC  -  21984
5.  UNCO  -  20358
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MontanaState Stats

Total Confessions: 26606
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 83

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Sunday, 08 May 2016 07:42 PM

#25293 So when you've known someone for years, get along great, have too much fun together, start hooking up randomly and then start talking more regularly, what exactly does it mean when he says he wants to "take it slow?"
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Sunday, 08 May 2016 02:41 PM

#25292 Instead of everyone getting offended by jokes, why doesn't everyone take a step back and just laugh. If you can't joke about EVERYTHING, than you can't joke about anything. Every single joke will offend someone, so having selective humor that is deemed "appropriate" or not is silly. You can't have selective humor. Now this is different than having societal norms that are being fought for or against, i'm talking purely about jokes. So quit being a fruit cake (sorry to those of you that identify as fruit cakes) and if a joke offends you.. f*uck off and keep your mouth shut about it, cause that is typically what gives the words power anyhow.
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Sunday, 08 May 2016 02:30 PM

#25291 The girlfriend and I had a break in our relationship we both experienced different people in the months we were apart. I truly love her and she is acting distant and acts like she doesn't need me anymore but I need her she is my happiness. Any advice of what I can do to better the relationship?
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Sunday, 08 May 2016 07:27 AM

#25289 I'm posting this from Disney World.
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Saturday, 07 May 2016 05:29 PM

#25288 I wanted to say thank you to the intro psychology tutor. She's amazing and stunning. Thank you for helping me pass intro psych!
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Saturday, 07 May 2016 05:09 PM

#25287 You know who gives a shit? No one! Story of my life.
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Saturday, 07 May 2016 12:39 AM

#25286 So if I identify as a 4.0 student, that means I should see that reflected in my GPA right? I mean does MSU even PC bro?
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Friday, 06 May 2016 09:24 PM

#25290 Individuals who have been directly or secondarily impacted by sexual assault, rape or interpersonal violence are encouraged to contact the VOICE center for support. The hotline is 24 hours and is 100% confidential - (406) 994-7069.
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MontanaState Stats

Total Confessions: 26606
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 83

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