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1.  MontanaState  -  26606
2.  Purdue  -  26357
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MontanaState Stats

Total Confessions: 26606
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 83

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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 08:01 PM

#25309 Why is it that smokers get demonized, but people who eat awful food and are obese because of it aren't? People will tell other people to quit smoking, but if they see someone that is obese and knows that that person eats garbage food they are a cruel person for telling them to eat better.
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 07:37 PM

#25308 To the cocksucker who yelled at me from his car as I was minding my own business and running, next time grow a pair and pull your call over and say something to my face you c**t :)
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 04:55 PM

#25307 Karma = dish of justice.
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 03:27 PM

#25306 So if a women interrupts a man and explains the subject matter in a condescending way, she is strong and independent. But if a man does it to a woman, it's "mansplaining". What happened to simply calling it "rude" for both examples?
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 12:39 PM

#25305 BRAD! I met you on an airplane to SeaTac about 2 years ago now. I saw you today at The Barn and could not remember your name and didn't get a chance to say hi.
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 10:17 AM

#25304 Looking for an ambulance chasing motherfucker. I missed my court appearances in Belgrade and failed to pay a fine off in Bozeman. Anyone know a desperate lawyer looking for clients? you know like someone fresh out of law school, wet behind the ears, just starting out? I can't pay anything at the moment but after the fire season I'll rolling in dough.
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:57 AM

#25303 Why do people keep trying with me? I'm not worth the time or effort. I'm too apathetic for your bullshit enthusiasm/attitude. All I want to do is smoke and drink away this summer, not hang out or chill or do anything. I wish the few non family members still putting forth an effort would stop, because I will not change.
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 05:42 PM

#25302 The moment when you realize that you are going to end up being a crazy cat lady. ...but you're a dog person.
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MontanaState Stats

Total Confessions: 26606
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 83

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