Monday, 09 February 2015 09:48 AM
Relationships are a waste of time and never amount to much . They always end badly for me and why should i even try. I think instead ill just fuck cause its easier than being in a relationship.
Sunday, 08 February 2015 07:08 PM
So there's no water... May we burn tires in the courtyard now?
Sunday, 08 February 2015 01:54 PM
Breaking up with someone before Valentine's Day…heartless.
Sunday, 08 February 2015 01:01 PM
I'm really overweight and I hate it! I hate myself! I try so hard to loose weight but struggle daily! I hate how people only date skinny people! Even when I do loose weight I'm never going to be a stick thin model! I'm also afraid of losing weight! I'm afraid that when I do the only reason a guy is going to go out with me is because I'm thin! I want a guy to like me for me! To not care about my size! No one is going to stay sexy and thin forever! I just wish I could find someone to love me the way I am!
Sunday, 08 February 2015 12:43 PM
I'm so tired of pursuing relationships i just want to fuck girls and screw being in a relationship. there's no girl who wants to date me anyway.
Sunday, 08 February 2015 12:28 PM
Have to poop so bad but I don't want to add it to the bowl and let in linger leaving a stench because I can't flush my damn toilet.
Sunday, 08 February 2015 10:35 AM
If you're having water pressure problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but taking a poop ain't one
Saturday, 07 February 2015 10:58 PM
Concordia is worse than least hell has a bar and working wifi