Thursday, 10 October 2013 12:34 PM
I confess I need a Turtwig, Grotle, and/or a Torterra to complete my pokedex. If you are willing to trade them to me, then swing on by Swanson 115. You will be rewarded handsomely ;)
Thursday, 10 October 2013 11:51 AM
Augie makes all these alcohol awareness presentations mandatory for greek life, and then when people do the safe thing and call the paramedics, they crack down on all of the groups.
Thursday, 10 October 2013 11:42 AM
Hope Bushnell... All I can say is that ass is so fine!
Thursday, 10 October 2013 01:07 AM
That awkward moment when your hall is being really loud (at 12:30 am!) and it turns out to be your ca...
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 10:18 PM
who also thought that the belly dancer shouldn't have won the talent show? I mean she did not have any great moves or technique, she just showed to much skin and had a great body.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 08:51 PM
My heart pumps straight vodka. I'm just naturally drunk.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 04:32 PM
I get hard every time I see the track boys run around campus in their tight compression shorts. Yummy.
Wednesday, 09 October 2013 02:35 PM
I wish I had more slam pieces to slay on my poon forcast.