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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 09:43 PM

Most confusing experience: Falling in love for your best friend. Help!
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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 09:21 PM

Word for the wise: plan your winter term schedule around Iowa City professors and then pray for a lot of snow. They live father away, thus more cancelled classes. Boom.
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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 08:55 PM

Hooked up with a guy later found out he's the sweetest person I would love to date but I feel it'll be weird if I try to talk to him :(
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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 08:27 PM

This.... this is amazing.
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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 08:05 PM

I feel like kindness and just being nice has become so rare that people either mistake it for being creepy if it's coming from a guy, or flirting if it's coming from a girl. And I'm so sick of guys calling me a tease or a huuuuge flirt if I'm just nice to them! Get over yourself, I'm just a nice person.
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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 05:43 PM

It has been awkward seeing any guy who I have ever made out with, given a blowjob, or had sex with. I don't know how to make my life less awkward everytime I see these guys, and I see them everywhere.
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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 04:55 PM

There's this one guy I met at the beginning of the school year we talk here and there and I wantnto get to know him more but I know he has a thing for another girl.

-What to do? what to do?
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Wednesday, 11 December 2013 04:12 PM

If you're deciding whether or not to take a chance on something / someone, you should do it. You don't want to spend the rest of your life wondering "what if?"
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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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