Thursday, 12 December 2013 12:54 PM
I'm currently trying not to sneeze in any of my classes due to the fact that literally everyone needs to say bless you...
Thursday, 12 December 2013 12:33 PM
story time:
About midway through my freshman year I had never experienced the taste of a grilled cheese before. Finally my friend convinced me to try one, so I bought one from the cafeteria in westy. As I took my first bite, flashes of what my life could have been had tried this mystical gathering of bread and cheese in my more youthful years surged in my mind. However I was mistaken, what I thought had been flashes of my life was actually the sounds of distress as it had given me diarrhea.
So thank you augustana for ruining the delectable treat for me and possibly what my future could withhold. I haven't had a grilled cheese since.
*Authors note: while on the subject of pooping, BRING BACK STALL WALLS DAMN IT! That includes in my off campus home
Thursday, 12 December 2013 08:12 AM
Lust at first sight is a lot more disappointing then love at first sight
Thursday, 12 December 2013 05:36 AM
There really needs to be some new way to find people to hook up with on campus if you aren't into partying. Feeling pretty left out here.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 11:33 PM
honestly I feel like I'm falling for the wrong person, but I can't even explain how happy I am now. I forgot how it felt to smile.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 11:29 PM
There's this one guy who I just think is one of the most interesting individuals I have ever come across and I just want to be friends with him so badly but I know that friendships don't come about that way. We have so much in common, I just want that one spark that just makes us not be strangers anymore.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 11:22 PM
I want to meet someone else who waffle stomps
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 10:27 PM
honestly I feel like I'm falling for the wrong person, but I can't even explain how happy I am now. I forgot how it felt to smile.