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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
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Tuesday, 21 January 2014 03:14 PM

I was raped once and started dating way to soon after the incident. I met a nice guy and while I really did love him, he did not understand why I could not be there for him sexually anymore. At first we had no problem but as the months passed and the fights continued I lost interest and above all I lost trust. It was very frustrating and confusing for the both of us. I understand why this happened to me but this is to all the "nice guys" out there. If you expect something in return for being a nice guy, then you are not a nice guy. So if you want to take on the challenge of dating a girl who has been in a similar situation, think about it. Because if and when you give up love for lust you are only adding to the problem and nobody deserves that, not even my ex.
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Tuesday, 21 January 2014 02:07 PM

I'm starting to do poorly in the class that's for my major. I'd switch majors, but this really is the subject I'm best at. Now I'm really worried about my future.
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Tuesday, 21 January 2014 01:40 PM

I am 20 years old but I am mentally immature for my age and I have ADHD. i am very smart, talented, and a nice person however but in high school I wasn't on par with the other kids so i was put in special ed for half my high school career. there i would have been left to rot and end up working at subway for the rest of my life. but thanks to my case manager in high school and the admissions staff at augie i am going to college and growing every year. even though i have gripes with Augustana I am very lucky to be here i was given a chance to breath the air of higher education and now i am catching up faster than ever. I am here to become the master of my life and i will not let those who helped me down.
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Tuesday, 21 January 2014 01:20 PM

To the person who decided to write the words "park better" on my rear window in Centennial this morning: please understand that when I parked out there, the snow was covering up all of the lines in the parking lot and that I had to use the parking of other cars to guide myself. While I understand that my parking was not in accordance with the actual lines, I would like to point out that I parked perfectly in-line with those other cars, and I note that you didn't scrawl on them. I had to spend five minutes in ball-shriveling cold scraping that shit off my car.

I mention this because when I say that you're a passive-aggressive pile of dogshit and I hope you get an incurable case of gonorrhea, I want you to understand how much I mean it.
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Tuesday, 21 January 2014 01:04 PM

>theme for symposium day is social justice
>featured speakers include one man of color and a bunch of white guys
>no women
>no one talking about lgbt/gender issues
i realize that there were sessions featuring women and lgbt issues but not featured speakers.
and no one probably cares but why /don't/ we care? what does this say about us?
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Monday, 20 January 2014 10:09 PM

Augie has taught me a very valuable lesson: Don't rely on the internships and careers office. No matter how many times you ask them for help, it usually ends in disappointment. Augie hub is a straight up joke, and you will do much better and impress others by cold calling different local businesses and asking questions about a job or internship.
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Monday, 20 January 2014 05:01 PM

One of my professors is bullying me, and I don't know what to do.
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Monday, 20 January 2014 12:10 AM

I am a freshman and before I came to augie I had a sex change. it went really well. at least the 4 boys I've been with haven't noticed so something must have gone right ;).
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Augustana Stats

Total Confessions: 3488
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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