Tuesday, 21 January 2014 07:30 PM
As a full-hispanic student, I don't know how else to grasp my Mexican roots, but I see tons of Mexican students here at Augie. I feel like there's more to being Mexican than eating Mexican food and speaking Spanish.....
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 07:29 PM
I have always strived for perfection. When I thought I was doing well, it always seemed someone would one-up me, especially right now. I want to talk to my boyfriend or my sorority sisters about this obsession with perfection, but I fear I'd only be seen as weak. And those who showcase their problems for the world to see to gain attention, I wish I had the confidence to confess that I have problems, but I also feel like you need more help than I do if you think you need to brag about these kinds of things to get people to listen to you. Does anyone agree?
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 07:23 PM
I'm a girl and I LOVE PORN. Lesbian porn, gay porn .. everything. No one here seems to satisfy my sexual needs. I'm getting desperate for someone who can really please me.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 05:35 PM
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 05:21 PM
I sit and cry in my room everyday and no one cares.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 05:19 PM
So here's a little grammar lesson to you all. Your does not mean you're. You're is a contraction combining 'you' and 'are' while your is an adjective usually describing possession. Use you're when you really want to say you are, for example "you're going to do great", or "you're really hot." Use your when you are describing something someone possess. An example would include "your hair looks beautiful," or "I like the way your butt looks in those jeans." Join us next week for a lesson on the difference between there, their, and they're.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 03:59 PM
$50 to the first girl here who agrees to sleep with me. Email me at hornyataugie@gmail.com
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 03:49 PM
After several months of looking, I think I've found a girl here that's absolutely perfect for me. I want to start talking to her and ask her out, but I'm afraid things will go horribly wrong and I'll have to find someone else.