Tuesday, 21 January 2014 11:39 PM
I had sex with your best friend. I regret it because I love you...
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 10:11 PM
As a girl that was raped, it really bothers me how (mostly, but not always) girls get a stick up their ass about rape jokes because "They have a friend" or they "work at a crisis center". "It's not funny! 1 in 6 women are assaulted". I understand it's not a fun time to be violated like that. Trust me, I didn't go dancing around about it with party streamers for the months that followed. Hell, even now, a year later, it still makes me a wreck. I feel like I can't eat or sleep or talk to anyone about it when the memory hits me. But you know what makes it worse? You know what triggers the self loathing? That people can't joke about the subject because it's "sensitive". You know what makes me feel better about being raped? Making jokes. Because the jokes help me get by, the jokes make me feel strong. The jokes make me feel empowered. Because for that moment, that awful feeling can't get me. Those guys didn't destroy me. When you don't let me joke about it, you know how I feel?
Weak. Because you make me feel like a victim - and I /was/ a victim - but you made me a victim who feels like I'll never be whole, like I can never be fixed. That it's "damaged" me forever because two dudes thought it'd be fun to force me to do something I didn't want. So please, get the stick out of your ass. Not saying people should be assholes and joke about it after someone asked politely (politely being the keyword)for you to stop, just realize some of us get our strength from humor. because they can't tear me down if I can laugh about it.
Some don't, but I sure do.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 10:08 PM
You also have options outside of local frats (not that they aren't great), but the national fraternity groups are great options as well, and the national recognition goes far!
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 09:21 PM
i have one alcohol violation so far, that's not a lot but when i got it i was very angry, I though this school was unfair. i got the violation because i was chilling with my friends and we had music playing loudly. i was angry, but then i thought for a moment, maybe Augustana should give the alcohol class to everybody every year, here's why, i don't but a lot of people here abuse alcohol they break things they sexually assault girls, they pee on neighbors houses and make a lot of noise, its ok to party i like to party but the thing is why can't we party like adults instead of highschoolers, we are adults now, we have jobs, we are trying to build our lives. i don't want to admit it, but cracking down on parties is probably the only smart thing the administration is doing
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 08:34 PM
I feel like I'm the only person on campus who doesn't give a shi
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 08:31 PM
My roommate convinced me to watch My Cat From Hell with her on Netflix, and we both teared up when the cat was finally tamed enough for its owner to pet it for the first time. It was beautiful.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 08:28 PM
In regards to the post made about the person who had a sex change (I don't want to reveal my identity so this is going to have to do): As a trans person on campus I found your jokes to be offensive. Your humor does not matter in a situation where people face so much discrimination and hate because they identify as a sexual/gender minority. I found that entire post and everyone who "liked" it to be extremely insulting. I don't care if you think it's funny, it is not funny to be a part of a group that is constantly belittled and used as a punchline. I will "learn to take a joke" when everyone else can learn to accept the fact that I want to change genders. I will "lighten up" when I can walk down the street without worrying about being killed because someone doesn't understand me. I will "get over it" when insurance companies will stop considering reassignment surgery as cosmetic and actually fund a life changing procedure. So you all should think about that the next time you make a joke like that.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014 08:11 PM
I have never had sex in my room. It's always been in one of my friends rooms... And beds.