Sunday, 26 January 2014 05:18 PM
I am pretty sure that Augie just wants us to become more in debt with the medical bills we will have after tomorrow's (Monday's) frostbite.
Sunday, 26 January 2014 05:18 PM
Any bi/bi-curious guys here that wanna chill? Kik me at jason_yo123 I'm a really chill guy so hmu!
Sunday, 26 January 2014 05:16 PM
In all honesty, I think Augustana is insane if they think school should be open tomorrow. There are below zero temperatures, strong winds, possible white-out conditions, and a SHIT-TON of snow and ice coming our way. And they have the balls to send out an e-mail as a "friendly reminder to bundle up and stay safe in these conditions"??? NO WAY! There are schools across the Midwest already cancelling school days in advance because they know what's coming, and they know it's unsafe. BE SMART AUGIE! Cancel school! There may be a risk of unsafe behavior going on with the small majority that's dumb enough to go out and get drunk in this weather, but A LARGER majority of people will be safer, not sick, and better off without this day of class.
Sunday, 26 January 2014 04:35 PM
Often reading the deans emails puts me in a bad mood, especially this new winder advisory one.
'In the rare instance that Augustana would cancel classes, it would most likely be for ice, massive amounts of snow or other unsafe conditions that would stop community services.'
Okay, I am all for not canceling unless we have to but when it is -20+ it is crazy. I'd say that is pretty "unsafe" as far as weather goes. Not everyone has a fucking car on campus, or even off campus. Some people have to walk quite a distance to get to their classes who live in off campus apartments/houses.
Sunday, 26 January 2014 03:56 PM
shes gorgeous, fun, and super friendly. only problem is her EX is in the frat i'm rushing and would be pissed...this is the true test of, bros before hoes
Sunday, 26 January 2014 01:39 AM
I am a swimmer here and the heater at the pool is broken. the pool is so cold I cant take getting into it twice a day because that's how much we practice. we recently got an email from the AD saying that they cant fix the heater without turning the heat off to the rest of campus. in the email, however, it also said that they had all the things necessary to fix the heater over break... when no one was here. please answer if our AD is just lazy or stupid
Saturday, 25 January 2014 10:25 PM
My sister is not the smartest person ever in school but at least she has friends who support her. I'm smart in school but have not one to share in my excitement or to lean on when I do need a friend. My mom is seriously my best friend but I'm miles from home...
Saturday, 25 January 2014 09:26 PM
If you take advantage of what Augie has to offer, it will be the best time of your life.
If you feel trapped by extracurriculars, quit. Start doing what you feel gives your life the most meaning.
If there's someone you want to get to know better, hang out with them. (even professors, some are the coolest people you'll meet)
If you don't like your major, start taking classes that REALLY interest you.
Be fearless. Augie is a golden opportunity for self discovery.
Have no regrets.
Love, Augie grad '13