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Augsburg Stats

Total Confessions: 3282
Confessions Per Day: 0
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Monday, 09 December 2013 12:35 AM

Seth M.... Could you be any cuter? You are definitely boyfriend /husband material ;)
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 11:34 PM

You know you regret your decision when you cry yourself to sleep and you haven't cried in a year.
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 11:00 PM

Hello all. I decided to write about a problem that I have recently observed at Augsburg, and since I know many people do go on this page and read through the posts, I thought it would be a good place to post. To start this off, I am an anti-capitalist, LGBT friendly, racially egalitarian, WHITE MALE (maybe some of you will stop reading now that i've said that, which further proves the point of my whole post). Although I can't say I'm perfect in any of these areas, I do my best to voice my opinions and to support equality for ALL people. However, to the dismay of some at Augsburg, equality also includes white people (and males, for that matter).

There have been numerous times that I have seen and heard white shaming on the Augsburg campus, many times manifested in the sentence "You can't say that, you’re white." Something is wrong here. I am a human being with experiences and perspectives that differ from yours, and to devalue them because I am a white male is ignorant, especially because I am such a supporter of equality myself.

There seems to be some notion within part of the Augsburg community that ALL white males are arrogant, ignorant (I am including homophobia as ignorance), racist, greedy, rapists. This is clearly manifested by the term “You can’t say that, your white.” As if being born white predetermined that I am all of these things, people (and I won’t name names) have literally refused to hear my ideas as a human being about these issues (which are important to me) because of my skin color and gender. The term for this is discrimination.

I grew up in what is sometimes referred to as “prestigious West Bloomington”, which is (for those who don’t know) a suburb about 15 minutes from campus. The fact is, I absolutely hate to admit that. Growing up I was absolutely privileged, but certainly was not ignorant to the fact. At Jefferson High School I witnessed racism, sexism, and homophobia every day, AND WAS VERY BOTHERED BY IT. I was bullied by Jordan P. and Jake P. for years because I dressed “gay”, even though I am not. After three years of that piece of shit school I finally moved to a performance arts school, which I happily attended for my senior year. What I’m trying to get at here, is that you don’t have to fit into these roles to witness and be deeply upset (and sometimes bullied) by the current situation of things.

To add to that, not all white males come from the same White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) background that I have. Poverty is just as unifying as race is, and the misconception that every white person has money is another stereotype that must be broken.

I have zero dollars and zero cents to my name, I have never owned a slave (neither has any of my family, who migrated here during WWII to escape religious persecution), and I have never raped a woman.

I have, however, held close one my bawling bestfriend’s in 3rd grade, who cried so hard after being called a word I had never heard and didn’t yet understand (the N word) until he could cry no longer. I have been, and have witnessed bullying since a young age and realized that no person should be treated differently than any one other. I have deeply pondered the problem that is our current society and the 1%’s horrid thirst for profit, whilst realizing that I share the same skin color and gender as most of the individuals responsible for such a tremendous gap in the wealth distribution. But the sins of the father are not those of the son.

I am not ashamed of who I am, and what people have to realize is that by using the phrase (or having the mindset of) “you can’t say that, you’re white”, you too are just promoting discrimination and oppression of humans based on the outside appearances of an individual rather than their ideas and beliefs. And sometimes those people are your biggest supporters.

Sincerely, the spokesperson for the “whiney privileged white man” (direct quote) who is fighting the same fight as you.

- Josh Sweiven
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 10:41 PM

Instead of calling DPS when people on your floor are being loud how about going up to them and asking them to be quiet? If you keep calling DPS every night because you're too scared to go up to your floormates your whole floor is going to be fined.
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 10:28 PM

I constantly ponder the reason why I am still single. What's wrong with me? What am I doing to scare partners away? Am I not good enough? I just want to be loved, and love in return.
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 09:44 PM

i cried myself to bed over you. I don't see you practically all the time on weekdays, and finally when i do, you don't see look past me...i try, i try so hard...gimme the satisfaction of atleast getting to know'll love me
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 08:25 PM

You're not supposed to love someone you don't know right? Then I broke all the rules....i love you, i think of you, I dream of you, I imagine you, i can feel you when you walk by, i could spot you even if you were walking into another building, i stare at your distant face, everytime i see you. I know where you live, and sometimes I just stop by your door to see if your ok, but i've never walked in. If our building was burning, i would go back and take you if i didn't see you outside...and yes, we've never talked, but I love you THAT much
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 04:17 PM

I am looking for a true lover who will be by my side all the time. Someone with whom I can share my sorrows and pain. And someone with whom I can laugh my ass off when I am happy. Am I too backdated?
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Augsburg Stats

Total Confessions: 3282
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 1

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