Monday, 09 December 2013 03:07 PM
I have a confession... Im a political activist. Im open minded and accepting of a lot of things. Open mindness improves neural connection, which ultimately increases intelligence. There's credible research for it.
It can be difficult being an activist, especially when you face adversity from all spectrums, be it a liberal or conservative mindset, the lot of them have been manipulated, systematically. I advocate for change in all spectrums, im against corruption, the exploitation of people and the environment, and im seen as a pos for fighting for what shouldnt need to be fought for; basic rights.
Freedom take son many forms, it is said that we arent truly free because of the environemnts we are raised in, but being free is about being happy, thriving, and caring unconditionally.
Now, im asking all of you if you want to help change the world. It doesnt take violence, it takes love, community, and communication. If you're down for it, speak up, like this status, and we'll contact you.
Monday, 09 December 2013 01:18 PM
Not a confession, but im using this as a netowkring source to reach out to students!
Cognitive Dissonance and Bias: Feeling threatened and a sense of anxiety to new ideas and inconsistent beliefs about your own and others, its based off of social influence and part of the "FOLLOWING THE CROWD" mentality.
Its natural to feel threatened by new ideas, but its illogical to remain that way and thats what is destroying and dividing people; their own mind.
With me, I try my best to rid most of my biases and dissonance, its difficult, but effective. Once you accept that you can keep an open mind to new ideas and relaize that understanding a point of view is not accepting or agreeing with their stand, you are top tier and capable of leadership and guding; you see and understand all the perspectives, which actually improves neural connection AND even that increases your cognitive abiliy; you're more intlligent when you are less bias.
So by keeping an open mind, which is listening to someone elses idea/beleif, evaluate it in their own shoes, understand why they believe that and understand the view from their perspetive. Once you are aware of why what person believes, you can guide them to reshape their own perspetive. Show them the corruption in their belief, dont tell them. Show them inconsistancies in their beleifs, little by litte, help them perceive the world from all perspetives to evaluate their own. Don't tell, but show, do not teach, but guide.
The probelm with most activists is thqat they hoot and holler about changing people and shoving information down everyones throat. They disregard the natural tendancy of dissonance and make that group or person feel threatened. It's important to have mediated and open discussion about issues and as a nation, as society as a whole, we have lost that communication and community. Also, protesting is not bad, for it gets people thinking. The psychological impact is there and it gets peopl einterested, they may feel threatened, but theyll encode what was thrown at them. Protesting is just a small part of change, it doesnt ultimately fuel movements. It takes more than that.
I know much of you wont read this, but this is how you change the world. Leaders from all around, past and present, from Buddha to Nelson Mandela, I have studied their tactics, philosophy, and way of life to help me understand what it takes to change the world. Community is important and so is communication; your enemy is your friend, love is your weapon.
Violence only gets you so far. It can ignite a movement, but it cannot fuel it indefinitely.
ANother thing to consider that life is fluid and always moving forward. As humans, we adapt to our environments and are capable of change, and even changing is difficult, but its natural. Ideas are not absolute, everything, even ways of changing the world are subject to change. If you oppose the method, thank you, because new perspectives will build off of my previous. I welcome opposing beliefs and ideas more than those who agree with me. It helps me understand them more.
If you read this from a "everything is subjetive" POV, thats okay, because that just shows how much power we all have as individuals, you can choose to make the world a better place, or you can abuse that knowledge of subjectiveness that turn it into something dark. We as people have the power and choice. We have a say in what goes on in the world. You have choice.
Monday, 09 December 2013 12:37 PM
To whomever was playing all those Naruto songs on the chapel piano on Wednesday morning, you were so wonderful to listen to! Churches freak me out, but I even went in to sit and listen to you play. Truly exquisite!