Tuesday, 22 January 2019 06:58 PM
Last night I busted a massive nut into some Kleenex and dropped it on the floor on my way to the bathroom. When I returned to my room to pick up, my roommate's dog pushed open my door and was finishing up devouring my busted nut Kleenex.
Tuesday, 22 January 2019 04:35 PM
Last night I busted a massive nut into some Kleenex and dropped it on the floor on my way to the bathroom. When I returned to my room to pick up, my roommate's dog pushed open my door and was finishing up devouring my busted nut Kleenex.
Friday, 11 January 2019 01:47 AM
This goes to E.J.D. we met last year. Towards the end of fall semester. We became close. I thought I loved you. You became my whole world. I didn't know what to do you you pushed me to grow. You pushed me to be better. And it worked. But sadly I didn't realize anything until I had already destroyed the bond between us. You changed me for the better. Made me a better person. A funny person. I miss you all the time. Though I realized I never loved you as we both thought. Nay, i am not saying I didn't love you. I did. Nay as a lover but... as a brother. I know this may be strange to outsiders reading this but to you it will make sense. When I lost you I lost most of the family I had left. My foster parents who were kind enough to house me kicked me out. Me depression has gotten worse. Though I refuse to let anyone see that. I refuse to let people see I'm broken. All I wanted to do for the past 4 days is to talk to YOU. To hear your voice. But, knowing it wouldn't matter anyways I changed my number. You won't be able to contact me. And as much as it hurts, I did it so I don't mess things up more. I relish the memories I have of you. I wish I hadn't screwed up, but I did. I take full responsibility. Just yesterday I almost did the one thing that you talked me out of in November 2018. I didn't. I made a promise to you and I Will NEVER break said promise. I know it's meaningless to apologize so I'm not going to. Which as you know is a big step for me. I just want you to know I have faith we will talk again and we have a lot of catching up to do. E.J.D. even though you're younger than me, by a tad, you have become and shall remain mhy big brother. I love you man. -mr. Muppet
Saturday, 13 January 2018 01:14 AM
@AEhadrt1 I can’t believe I dated him he is the worst person you will ever meet. He is such a FAKE ASS person and doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He is a poor excuse of a man and is a real piece of shit.
Friday, 10 November 2017 12:28 PM
Anyone know if you can bring outside food and drink into the WyoStudio movie theater?
Monday, 22 May 2017 09:33 PM
I'm in the heavy side and self conscious about my size and feel as if that's the reason some girls will never go out with me... I'm lonely.
Monday, 22 May 2017 09:33 PM
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you've been friendzoned, it's not because you're a nice guy, mature or sensitive. It's because she doesn't find you attractive. That's it. Sorry, but you need to move on.
Monday, 22 May 2017 09:24 PM
Being an unattractive guy certainly makes life hard. As they say, no such thing as the friend zone, you're just unattractive.