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uwyo Stats

Total Confessions: 204
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Tuesday, 22 January 2019 06:58 PM

Last night I busted a massive nut into some Kleenex and dropped it on the floor on my way to the bathroom. When I returned to my room to pick up, my roommate's dog pushed open my door and was finishing up devouring my busted nut Kleenex.
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Tuesday, 22 January 2019 04:35 PM

Last night I busted a massive nut into some Kleenex and dropped it on the floor on my way to the bathroom. When I returned to my room to pick up, my roommate's dog pushed open my door and was finishing up devouring my busted nut Kleenex.
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Friday, 11 January 2019 01:47 AM

This goes to E.J.D. we met last year. Towards the end of fall semester. We became close. I thought I loved you. You became my whole world. I didn't know what to do you you pushed me to grow. You pushed me to be better. And it worked. But sadly I didn't realize anything until I had already destroyed the bond between us. You changed me for the better. Made me a better person. A funny person. I miss you all the time. Though I realized I never loved you as we both thought. Nay, i am not saying I didn't love you. I did. Nay as a lover but... as a brother. I know this may be strange to outsiders reading this but to you it will make sense. When I lost you I lost most of the family I had left. My foster parents who were kind enough to house me kicked me out. Me depression has gotten worse. Though I refuse to let anyone see that. I refuse to let people see I'm broken. All I wanted to do for the past 4 days is to talk to YOU. To hear your voice. But, knowing it wouldn't matter anyways I changed my number. You won't be able to contact me. And as much as it hurts, I did it so I don't mess things up more. I relish the memories I have of you. I wish I hadn't screwed up, but I did. I take full responsibility. Just yesterday I almost did the one thing that you talked me out of in November 2018. I didn't. I made a promise to you and I Will NEVER break said promise. I know it's meaningless to apologize so I'm not going to. Which as you know is a big step for me. I just want you to know I have faith we will talk again and we have a lot of catching up to do. E.J.D. even though you're younger than me, by a tad, you have become and shall remain mhy big brother. I love you man. -mr. Muppet
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Saturday, 13 January 2018 01:14 AM

@AEhadrt1 I can’t believe I dated him he is the worst person you will ever meet. He is such a FAKE ASS person and doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He is a poor excuse of a man and is a real piece of shit.
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Friday, 10 November 2017 12:28 PM

Anyone know if you can bring outside food and drink into the WyoStudio movie theater?
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Monday, 22 May 2017 09:33 PM

I'm in the heavy side and self conscious about my size and feel as if that's the reason some girls will never go out with me... I'm lonely.
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Monday, 22 May 2017 09:33 PM

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you've been friendzoned, it's not because you're a nice guy, mature or sensitive. It's because she doesn't find you attractive. That's it. Sorry, but you need to move on.
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Monday, 22 May 2017 09:24 PM

Being an unattractive guy certainly makes life hard. As they say, no such thing as the friend zone, you're just unattractive. #lowselfesteem
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uwyo Stats

Total Confessions: 204
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 2

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