Monday, 09 June 2014 10:04 PM
I sucked my fwb's dick in our dorm's boys bathroom.
Thursday, 20 March 2014 01:02 AM
Renting out a study room, just so I can snort my adderoll in peace.
Saturday, 15 March 2014 02:47 PM
I feel the need to masturbate all the time... and I'm a girl.
Friday, 31 January 2014 10:39 PM
I like to flirt with guys to get free beer & if they don't give me any I'll take it anyways.
Friday, 31 January 2014 10:27 PM
I got dared to grind on a guy in a wheelchair. When I was finished he said to me "you could have at least told me to put on my breaks."