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1.  MontanaState  -  26606
2.  Purdue  -  26357
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Total Confessions: 333
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 10:51 PM

I would like to give a big shout out to those awesome people who showed up at my apartment last night proceeded to have sex and leave a huge semen stain on my couch... happy finals week everybody
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Friday, 08 November 2013 03:35 PM

#411 I'm pretty sure the girl who told me something about wearing an LSU shirt at Southeastern last week is the same girl I just saw wearing a ULL hoodie. Hypocrite much? Can't we all just get along?

"Q"- Erry'body quit hating and get on the fucking peace train.
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Friday, 08 November 2013 03:27 PM

#410 Kirk Taylor looks like a guy that is very well endowed...

"Q"- I considered rejecting this, but I want to see if someone will make a follow up confession stating the opposite.
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Friday, 08 November 2013 03:11 PM

#409 Am I the only girl who thinks Starbucks guy is absolutely disgusting?

I heard about a school bus of orphans that got stuck in a Rocky Mountain blizzard once. It was complete white out, and the search parties couldn't find them. All on board seemed certainly doomed. THEN, out of the white abyss a lone man came walking wearing nothing but a green Starbucks apron. The bus driver let him on board because it seemed legit. He then pissed a magical brew of the worlds best tasting coffee for everyone on board. With the coffee warming their bodies, everybody lived through the blizzard and were saved soon after. The Starbucks guy disappeared before anyone could get his name though.
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Friday, 08 November 2013 03:08 PM

#408 @#404 assuming your also a cool chick to be around outside the bedroom I don't see you having much trouble finding a guy.
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Friday, 08 November 2013 03:00 PM

#407 That hot blonde RA from Cardinal Newman last semester. Hmmmm... Muy Muy me gusta!
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Friday, 08 November 2013 02:52 PM

#406 I would just like to announce that McDonald's now has a buffalo bacon ranch hot n' spicy. It's $2 and it tastes like poverty. Soooooo good.
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Friday, 08 November 2013 02:34 PM

#405 To the redhead guy with a beard in my classes with Boulahanis and Bolton. I don't know if you're into other guys, but I would let you try to make my face pregnant!

"Q"- I lol'd so hard at that last line I tore something
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Total Confessions: 333
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 0

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