Sunday, 19 February 2017 12:10 AM
I was sexually assaulted twice during my one year at E&H. I started self-harming after the first time and ended up in the hospital a month later because I went too deep.
My parents don't know about the assaults and they ate up the bullshit excuse I gave for when I had to go to the ER and get stitches in my arm.
The worst part about this whole experience is that I said nothing. I kept my mouth shut because I was a newcomer; the guys that assaulted me were community service models and well-liked on campus. No one would have taken my side.
The worst part of this is that I'm a reasonably intelligent individual. All the trauma I experienced at that school tanked my GPA. I'm happier at my new school, but it's so difficult to constantly skate around why I didn't do well at such a nice private school. People want answers I can't give them. I would do nearly anything to erase that one year from my memory forever.